Director Yoo

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"Dame he really did that? No text no calls nothing afterwards?" Wooseok asked, looking over at Wooyoung in the passenger seat as he talked about his breakup. It was so easy for them to talk to each other having had similar things happen to them. 

"Yeah, and now he's acting like we never happened." Wooyoung said. His heart hurt after all this time but now it was more like a dull feeling that never went away. 

"It hurts when you think that you meant so little to someone that you loved you so much." Wooseok said, feeling a growing pain in his heart. "They meant the world to you, they became the world for you, and then they pull that sort of shit."

"Are you crying?" Wooyoung asked, turning in his seat to look at Wooseok. 

"You aren't?" Wooseok asked, wiping his tears away as he sniffled. Driving while crying was not a safe practice. 

Wooyoung sat back in his seat his own tears coming to the surface. 

"It hurts so fuxking much, but every time you look at them part of you enjoys that pain because it it's the only thing that reminds you it was real." Wooseok said, sharing his experience, as fresh tears ran down his cheek. "Then you become insecure af about yourself and you get scared that the next person you get into a relationship with is just going to get up and leave like the last person did and it's all your fault." 

"Exactly." Wooyoung let out quietly his tears falling onto his lap. 

"I'm not gonna preach anymore but this San guy you told me about doesn't look like the type of guy who'd just leave you out of the blue." Wooseok said, wiping away the last of his tears. 

"Give yourself a chance. Trust and be yourself I think that's what he loves most about you." Wooseok said, glancing over at Wooyoung. 

"Not everyone is going to break your heart Wooyoungie. Not everyone is gonna shit on you for being yourself." Wooseok counited. "Frankly the only one whose going to do that is Changbin but like."

"You and Changbin ended badly yeah and he's a piece of shit but you owe it yourself first and foremost a chance to love the person you want to. He's long gone. Out of your life. Well I mean he is your boss but-" 

Wooseok stopped talking, looking over at Wooyoung who was crying harder, making him tear up again too. 

Wooyoung sat there letting Wooseok's words sink in. It was almost as if Wooseok popped open the lid of all his bottled up emotions. All the scars that Changbin had left becoming visible again, all those months of trying to hide them going to waste. 

"I'm rambling but you- point being, if you like the guy go for it. Tell him. Don't hold back cuz you're scared." Wooseok said, wiping his tears again as he let out a small yell. 

"Wooyoung yell too. It helps." Wooseok said, turning over to Wooyoung who looked at him, tears still in his eyes. 

"What?" Wooyoung asked, looking at Wooseok who was now stopping at red light. 

"Yell like this." Wooseok said, yelling again. "Just do it."

Wooyoung looked at him for a moment before letting out a small yell. 

"No no like YELL YELL!" Wooseok said, yelling as hard as he could. 

Woooyoung joined in too both of the them yellling as loud as they could the people parked next to them giving them weird looks. 

"WHAT NEVER SEEN A PERSON YELL BEFORE!?!?" Wooseok shouted at the car that was next to them who immediately rolled up their window, making the two laugh. 

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