What happened to Dinner?

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Okay it did seem bad that Wooyoung had this all planned out in a few days without anyone knowing and that he did quite a bit of research when no one was around and how he managed to pull it off was beyond him but here he was.

Sitting in the living room without anyone having a clue.

It wasn't his fault that he couldn't get over almost losing San. And it wasn't his fault that San had become an important part of his life.

While the others were busy eating dinner, Wooyoung double checked the article one last time and became even more sure that he wanted to do this.

It may have seemed selfish but he wasn't going to abuse it since it was only for emergency purposes. Wooyoung took a deep breath taking advantage of the silence to speak up.

"Hongjoong could you please do me a favor?" Wooyoung asked, catching everyone's attention. Yeosang kept eating his chicken looking between the three of them. He had a feeling he had to prepare himself for some drama.

"Stuff like this can't keep happening again." Wooyoung said. "And well I was wondering if you could-"

Wooyoung handed his phone to Hongjoong who looked at it, his eyes growing wide.

"I'm not exactly the person for it but any demon could do this for you." Hongjoong said, as he kept on scrolling through the article.

San looked over at Hongjoong and then down to the phone in his hand, using his powers to take  Wooyoung's phone from him and looking at his last viewed article. He had been suspecting that his human was on to something when he was trying very hard to hide the fact he was using his phone over dinner.

And he was right.

"We aren't doing this human." San said, handing the phone to a curious Yeosang.

How a bunch of accurate demon information ended up on a single website San had no clue but he was sure he was going to get it taken down.

"This is actually not a bad idea." Hongjoong said, as he looked between San and Wooyoung.

San was glaring at Wooyoung who had a plain expression on his face looking over at Hongjoong.

"Do you need anything for it? Can we do it tonight?" Wooyoung asked, ignoring San.

"He can do it but he won't." San said, now glaring at Hongjoong.

"It won't be that bad." Hongjoong said, going somewhere for a few moments probably to gather some stuff.

"Yeah, it won't be that bad. Giving up your soul in exchange for being able to summon and control a demon sounds perfectly safe." Yeosang said, reading through the article.

"Even after giving up part of your soul, nothing could go wrong right? You won't become a totally different person would you?" Yeosang asked, growing a little nervous. Wooyoung had already thought about all of this and made his decision so there was no turning back and Yeosang knew it.

"If I could have summoned San no matter where he is before all this happened imagine how things could have been different." Wooyoung said in hopes of giving Yeosang some idea of how he came to his decision.

"If I was in trouble, I could have easily summoned San too and he could have handled things." Wooyoung said. "Or if he was in the back of the police car going, who knows where I could have summoned him and gotten him out of that."

"None of this is your fault, human." San said, knowing full well that Wooyoung wouldn't have summoned him even if he was in trouble. He wouldn't put him in trouble like that. He was blaming himself for supposedly ruining his life and not keeping his promise to send him home.

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