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Wooyoung was finishing the last of his work, yawing as he walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He hoped that whoever had invented calculators was resting in peace and that his descendants were living happy, healthy lives.

He wouldn't be finishing his work this fast without one.

He wouldn't have needed to stay up this late though before San came into his life. He'd just come home, do it, and then do whatever till he went to bed.

A routine he was more than happy to get rid of.

Apart from being his demon, San was his friend too and he meant the world to him. He was someone who made his days better and made him smile. He came into his once miserable life and made it bearable again.

And if he suddenly left like that... 

Wooyoung wiped his tears off of his face that was still wet from the when he had cried earlier. 

He should check up on the him. 

Wooyoung walked towards their room, stopping when all the lights in the house started to flicker on and off over and over again.

Was this the aftermath of letting Seonghwa drink?

He just checked up on him though and seeing how he walked into the living room looking as lost as he was it couldn't have been him. 

Wooyoung looked around the living room, not seeing anything unordinary, opening the bedroom door, Seonghwa running to where he was. 

"San." Wooyoung called out, his demon sleeping soundly on the window nook.

"San." Wooyoung called out again, walking over to sit next to him. He called out his name a few more times, holding onto his shoulders, shaking him once he didn't respond.

Seonghwa took back what he said about San being the total idiot. He was the idiot for not staying with San and letting him fall asleep. 

Seonghwa took out his dagger, taking San's hand and pricking it with the tip, watching San open his eyes and jolt awake.

San's breaths were uneven, staring at nothing before finding Wooyoung's eyes.

He hugged Wooyoung weakly breaking down into a crying mess on his shoulders.

"I killed him again." San said, his voice super low.

"I didn't want to, I tried not to." San said, sobbing as held onto Wooyoung tighter, thinking that he was back in hell. 

It really felt like it. 

Wooyoung didn't know what to do, holding the other closer to him, letting him cry all he wanted to, the lights still going on and off, as the room began to shake.

"San it's okay." Seonghwa said, looking at Wooyoung who looked as scared as San was.

San looked up at him from Wooyoung's shoulder, not letting go.

He shook his head no, more tears falling down his cheeks.

"I killed him again." San said, his voice breaking as he remembered what happened.

Seonghwa patted him on the back, knowing that his nightmare was about the day he killed Han-gyeol.

"Wooyoung was there too." San let out, trying to explain the nightmare, before he just broke down into more tears trembling in Wooyoung's arms.

"Wooyoung is right here, he's okay." Seonghwa said softly, making San look up at Wooyoung.

Wooyoung smiled at him, holding back his own tears. Seeing San cry made his heart hurt.

San didn't stop crying, hugging Wooyoung tightly, the other petting his hair and bringing him even closer as he looked at Seonghwa.

"He'll be okay, don't worry." Seonghwa said, reassuring Wooyoung who did start crying. "It's one of his nightmares."

Seonghwa reassured San that everything was okay from time to time, Wooyoung never once letting him go as he cried.

"Is he asleep?" Wooyoung asked, after about 15 minutes, not moving as Seonghwa nodded.

"Could you get me a blanket?" Wooyoung asked, leaning back onto the wall with San in his arms.

Seonghwa got him a blanket, straightening San's legs, as he tossed the blanket over the two of them.

"I'll stay up to make sure he's okay. You should get some sleep." Seonghwa said, Wooyoung shaking his head no.

"Don't worry hyung I'll stay up. Thank you." Wooyoung said with a smile, making sure San was comfortable.

Seonghwa nodded, leaving to go to think in his room knowing that San was safe with Wooyoung.  

They all messed up tonight. 

Wooyoung pet San's hair, looking at his puffy eyes and red nose, as he slept on his shoulder.

What was he going to do with him? 

Better question, what he was going to do without him? 

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