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Wooyoung walked alongside Yeosang and Hongjoong, looking back from time to time to see if San was there, as they neared the ice cream/boba place.

Yeosang and Hongjoong were talking about kangaroos and how nice it would be to visit Australia one day but that was as much of the conversation that Wooyoung heard before his thoughts made their way back to San again.

He couldn't really help it if the other was on his mind. San was so excited when he told him that they were going for ice cream telling him he wanted to try all the new flavors and finally get boba BUT ALL OF SUDDEN he said he had to meet someone?


And who was that someone anyway? The lady from the bus was the only one Wooyoung could think of since it was the only person that he knew San knew who was also a demon.

He didn't even care anymore about who it was because San could meet whoever he wanted. Just preferably not last minute and on a night he actually wanted to go out on.

Wooyoung pushed his thoughts aside taking a deep breath and enjoying the way the cold air filled his lungs.

San was all grown up and he could take care of himself, that was final and he didn't have to worry about it so much.

Wooyoung grew even more worried at the supposedly reassuring thought, almost choking on the same air in his lungs. San's powers came in and out constantly so there was no way to guarantee that the other would be okay.

Wooyoung's phone buzzed in his pocket pulling him away from his thoughts. Why couldn't he just worry about his demon in peace? 

He took out his phone putting it on silent as he went back to overthinking, not even seeing who the text was from. 

"Can't you connect Russia and Alaska with a road though?" Yeosang said, turning around to look at Wooyoung wanting to include him in the conversation since he was really quiet the whole time. "Aren't they really close to each other Wooyoung?"

Yeosang wanted to laugh a little seeing Wooyoung making the face he used to make back in college when the teacher would call on him at the most random times during the lecture to answer a question but he was zoned out the entire time and didn't know. Except this time he looked a bit worried on top of that. 

"I'm not sure?" Wooyoung said, not knowing how they ended up talking about Russia and Alaska. Part of him wanted to go back to worrying about San but they were nearing the ice cream place and San wasn't coming no matter how much he thought about it so he gave up. 

"I'm pretty sure you can, it's just super time consuming." Hongjoong said, saving Wooyoung, who opened the door for them.

The trio went inside ordering their favorites to go, the shop being a bit busy, as they waited for their order. 

"You know where San is don't you?" Yeosang asked quietly, watching Wooyoung order two bobas and 3 different kinds of ice cream even though there was a high chance that the demon wasn't coming. 

"Possibly." Hongjoong said, with a small smile looking at Yeosang who just sighed and shook his head.

"Your order will be out in 8 minutes." The part timer at the front said, handing Wooyoung his card back as she smiled at Hongsang.

The three of them were just chilling in the corner waiting for their order, when the ground began to shake suddenly, making all the tables in the place wobble a bit and as a few people yelled in surprise and fear not accepting an earthquake to hit trying to find something to hold on too. 

Wooyoung tried to do the same but only managed to grab air as he lost his balance and fell  backwards.

Luckily for Wooyoung, someone caught him, a hand gently grabbing onto his waist as another grabbed his hand, helping him find his balance. 

Wooyoung turned his head around, coming face to face with San who had appeared out of nowhere. 

"Hi." San said with a smile, sending Wooyoung down on a roller coaster of emotions. 


"If I have to see them being all cutesy and whatever ONE MORE TIME I'm either going to end up shipping them or puke." Hyunyee said, holding an ice bag to Wilson's head. She had just come back from "keeping an eye" (straight up stalking) WooSan leaving shortly after the earthquake hit to find Wilson beat up. 

"Puke being more likely." She added on. "Why did the guy even come to visit us tonight? Didn't you say he was going to get ice cream and boba?" 

"He did and he wanted to visit us tomorrow but he wanted to stop the events that are going to happen in the future from happening but he ended up making things a lot worse for all of us." Wilson said, poorly summarizing his thoughts in a statement. He did not accept the night to turn out like this either. 

He was 98% sure that San would go get ice cream based on what he saw, and then him and Wooyoung would become closer to each other talking about his nightmares and how home necessarily could have been a person and not a place. Then Wooyoung would have gotten all shy and San would too then they'd go home enjoying a very nice evening and dinner. 

But San didn't go on that ice cream date thing, the conversation didn't happen, and now everything was out of place. 

"I know you can see the future and are really good at explaining but please explain it one more time in a way I can understand with a headache." Hyunyee said, with a quick smile loving her adorable partner. 

"San visited us tonight to change the future. Him meeting Han-gyeol tonight specifically prevented Wooyoung and everyone else involved from getting hurt for the time being." Wilson said. 

"But it caused a bigger catastrophe in the future since now Shiber is gonna pull something. Ugh now I have headache." Wilson said. 

"It's hard to be a demon sometimes." 


I'm so sorry if I don't reply to your comment or reply late! Idk how to reply sometimes but when I see them I always get a seratonine boost from them so thank you so much ʕᵔᴥᵔʔ

I have no clue how to use Wattpad sometimes though so again I'm really sorry if I don't respond(πーπ)

Also we have a demon that can see the future... where that came from I am not too sure :) 

Hope you enjoyed and sorry for any errors ~

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