Chapter 3: A week Later

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(M/n) sat peacefully in the park, the breeze chilly and relaxing. He's been working at the bakery with Marinette and her family, they were a happy and connected bunch of lovely people. Understanding and warm, he liked them. And liked working for them. He's grown closer to Marinette as well, close enough for them to open up only slightly to each other. Marinette told (M/n) about the history on Ladybug and Chat Noir, seeing as he was curious to know about the people who saved him when he arrived.

The much taller of the two kept his answers short and discrete. Marinette could tell that he built higher and stronger walls around his entire body. It would take time to make it cave under her gentle healing touch.

Exhaling slowly, a long sigh left (M/n)'s lips. His head falling back and resting on the bench. His hair parted from his half-lidded eyes, exposing the dull (e/c)-colored irises. His right hand slid off his glasses, the bulky frames fitting perfectly in his hand.

Suddenly, he heard a small cry of pain and a hiss. Sitting up and placing his glasses back on, he turned to face the sound curiously.

A little girl with two ponytails sat on the ground crying softly, her nose scrunched in pain as her eyes focused on the bloody wound on her knee. The scrape wasn't that bad, it was small and probably just stung. Wordlessly, (M/n) got up from the bench, making his way over to the girl and crouched down to her level after fishing out a cutely designed band-aid from his pocket.

It was a pink bandage with yellow chicks and blue cartoonish flowers decorating the plastic.

"Here, " (M/n)'s voice was soothing and it calmed the girl down almost instantly as she hiccuped. She smiled childishly, grabbing ahold of the bandage and slapping it onto her knee, sniffling a little as she did.

"Hey! Mr. Glasses! Wanna play with me?" she questions happily, rubbing the adhesive of the pink band-aid over her skin. (M/n) hesitantly smiled before nodding, thinking of an excuse to not move around too much.

"I'll be the Princess," (M/n) suddenly suggests, the little girl looked at him puzzled. Noticing the confusion, the (h/c)-haired seventeen-year-old smiled again before looking around for something to use as a prop. Grabbing a large twig, he gave it to the girl. "Sometimes girls are the best saviors, you'll be the Knight who saves hurt my arm really bad and it's still healing, you'll be like Ladybug."

The girl thought it over before nodding to herself and humming contently, "I like that!! I'll save you from the super duper evil dragon!!" she smiled widely, giggling childishly at her own game. (M/n) nodded along with her, a chuckle escaping his throat as he and the little girl ran around.

Soon enough, the little girl's mother came rushing out of a store with a few bags in hand.

"I told you to not run off!!" the disheveled woman noticed the (h/c)-haired teenager and gasped.

"I'm so sorry that she bothered you--hold on a second, you're the boy who works with Marinette in the bakery!" The woman smiled wide and fixed up her hair before noticing the small bandages on the boy's face and fingers.

"Are you alright?" She questions worryingly. The teen flinched back when her hand came close to his face and nodded quickly. "I'm fine., I got into a car accident. But I'm alright now," (M/n) briefed over the truth.

"Anyways...I hope you have a good day, it seemed like you were in a hurry, " (M/n) bowed his head slightly and made his way to the other end of the park before the woman and little girl could stop him.

(M/n) sat down next to the fountain, his eyes cold as he massaged his practically useless arm.

"Excuse me, " a warm voice invaded his ears as a teenager his age sat next to him. (M/n) whipped his head over to where he heard it and frowned.

Adrien Agreste.

Marinette fawns over him all the time and tried to deny that she doesn't even though she goes goo-goo eyes for him whenever they're running errands in town. The billboards didn't convey his true beauty, however. (M/n) stared at him for a second before turning away and getting up.

"Sorry, I didn't know that this seat was reserved." (M/n)'s snarky comment didn't go unnoticed by the golden-haired blonde. Adrien frowned but sighed right after as he stood to his feet.

"It's not, I wanted to get to know you. Marinette talked about you at school," the mention of his colleague made the taller boy turn to him confused. 

"What? Did she tell you how useless I am?" (M/n) retorted, biting his bottom lip. Adrien stared at him perplexed for a moment before laughing, snorting a little when he saw the expression the boy in front of him was making. "Why are you laughing..." (M/n) tried to speak but it came out as a raspy mutter. 

Adrien wiped his watering eyes as he calmed down, "Sorry! Sorry, it's just, she told me that you're really handsome and a really hard worker! Nothing about being Useless," the golden blond smiled widely and patted the boy on the shoulder missing the way that the boy winced at his touch on his sore scars. 

"I'll see you at school, yeah?" Adrien smiled wider, and before the other boy could respond, the blond was already leaving while waving behind his back. 

He's...(M/n) stared at the retreating form of the model, really---


{Sorry for the very very very very very late update!! I hope you enjoyed this!}

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