Chapter 45: Show Time!

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(M/n) felt nervous—more than nervous if he wanted to be honest. He gnawed on the inside of his cheeks as he paced around the room. His fingers found themselves curling in his messy hair—he wasn't even ready for the performance yet, and it would be happening in less than an hour.

Hyper fixated on the ground rather than his surroundings, (M/n) didn't notice Marinette entering the room quietly mumbling to herself. She almost seemed equally bothered by something.

She let out a groan, ruffling her hair and lightly shaking her head—the groan knocked (M/n) out of his thoughts. He turned to face the girl, his lips parting in mild surprise, he went to speak but stopped himself when Tikki flew over to him.

"She's just nervous about confessing," she chirps. Her high-pitched voice was suppressed in a low whisper. (M/n) think it was possible for her voice to be high but low at the same time.

(M/n) heart leaped to his throat as he croaked out a simple, "what?" His tone broke and his voice cracked as he clutched his left arm.

"Confess—to Adrien?" He questioned again, a bit more pronounced as Tikki let out a quiet shriek, her tiny hands covering his mouth in fear.

Before they could talk any longer, the tent door flapped open to reveal Kim. He has dressed up as a Knight alongside (M/n).

"Yo—(M/n)! Come on, we have to get ready!" Kim called out, Marinette whipped her head up in surprise as she looked at the pianist. Her eyes were pained but she forced a smile and waved meekly.

(M/n) didn't wave back, only copying her smile and making his way over to the other boy. Tikki quickly made her way to Marinette's bag while (M/n) brushed past her.

"Good luck," (M/n) mumbled under his breath. Marinette barely heard it as she gave a curt nod.

As (M/n) followed Kim out of the tent, (M/n) couldn't stop himself from frowning as he dragged a hand down his face—now he was dreading this even more.

And I can't just say something to Adrien about Marinette—she's my best friend, practically my family...(M/n) frown only deepened when he noticed Adrien off by a few girls that weren't from our class crowding around him.

He briskly made his way over to the blond, his hand resting on the model's shoulder. The unnatural scowl and glare on his face startled the girls.

"I need to talk to you," he starts, (M/n)'s eyes narrowing at the group sharply, "in private," he gave the model a smile when the blond glanced up at him with an innocent blush on his Sun-kissed cheeks.

(M/n) sent a final glare towards the girls before leading the boy up behind the stage.

Adrien peered up at the pianist in confusion as he smiled nervously.

He checked his wristwatch, since the festival was still getting set up officially, they were given a chance to do a practice performance with everything being as professional and close to the actual live stage acting as possible.

"Are you—"

"Adrien, I'm going to be as stern as possible, and it hurts me to say this, but," Adrien's heart dropped to his stomach. He watched as (M/n) parted his lips, struggling to continue, his expression relaxed, "I...I can do this alone."

The model arched his brows in mild surprise before they narrowed as he grabbed ahold of the boy's wrist.

"What are you—"

"I can play my part alone, the only thing I ask of you is to Dance with Marinette instead of Chloe," he sent the boy a smile, it was pained and forced but Adrien didn't seem to notice—too distracted by his smothering confusion.

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