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Oneshot #2; Evening Make-Out
{Male reader x Adrien Agreste}

(M/n) wasn't one for PDA nor was he just an affectionate person, sure, there would be some surprise kisses and hugs, but anything other than that was restricted. Adrien, on the other hand, loves kissing (M/n) and cuddling any chance he gets. However, he also loved the voice (M/n) would reach whenever he was tired, it was raspy and vibrated his chest whenever they cuddled on (M/n)'s bed or couch.

But right now, (M/n) was flicking through the different channels of his TV as Adrien laid on his chest, his left hand combing through the messy slightly damp strands of blond hair. The model was finally living with him after five years of them being together. Their house was quiet and Plagg was upstairs taking one of his usual naps.

"Baby," (M/n) whispers hoarsely, gaining the attention of the blond model. His jade-colored eyes were wide in surprise from the usage of his nickname. (M/n) hummed at the look and pecked the boy's nose, leaning back to watch his partner lean back up to connect their lips.

(M/n) lazily kissed back, his hand running up and down Adrien's sensitive back before resting comfortably on the back of his thighs to tug him closer, their lips collided harder as Adrien ran his fingers through the (h/c)-colored strands–pushing the boy's bangs out of his eyes and pulling away to see (M/n)'s flushed face. He was in a daze and searching Adrien's expression.

The model almost looks godly with his body shielding the golden rays of the sunset peeking through the tall windows of his living room.

His face was pretty red and his lips were a deep plum-color as his tongue ran over the soft tissue.

(M/n) gently tugged the blond back down to reconnect his suddenly cold lips to the blond's, his lazy kissing shifting into one of hunger as Adrien's nails scratched at his chest and neck in a soft rhythm.

The action made the (h/c)-haired young adult let out a groan at the action, his grip tightening on the blond's thighs as they ran up and down the model's hips to gently grind him into his hips.

Bliss could be the only thing that (M/n) wanted to describe this as, his body felt as if it were floating, he couldn't focus on anything else around him other than the light background noise of the voices on the TV. But the noise didn't bother him as his teeth gently tugged at Adrien's bottom lip, the pause elicited a moan out of the golden-blond.

(M/n) hummed lowly and leaned back further into the couch as the two broke away with a brief pause to breathe.

"This is sudden, (M/n)..." Adrien whispered, his tongue darting out to wet his lips, "not that I'm complaining, though, I like kissing you." the golden blond smirked. He sat up--scooching back to get in between (M/n)'s thighs, their hips grinding together softly.

(M/n) big his lip in anticipation, he was in the mood to do it, although he wanted to kiss for a bit longer. Adrien seemed to feel the same, his hands pushing up the taller teen's shirt to his abdomen. He leaned down, pressing kisses to the warm skin--the contact of Adrien's lips on his body sent raging showers down his spine. Goosebumps formed on his arms and the back of his neck as his back arched into Adrien's touch.

This is too much--

(M/n) let out a hoarse moan as Adrien's teeth grazed his hip. He felt sensitive after kissing so sensually before, he couldn't handle it. His glasses slid down his nose slightly as his eyes screwed shut. His hands shot down to the model's thick golden hair, the strands coursed through his fingers and were pulled out of the way of the suggestive jade-green hues.

(M/n) could feel Adrien's lips through his sweatpants as the blond kissed his inner thighs. Purposely making eye contact with the panting teen.

It's too much!--

(M/n) let out a long low whimper as he threw his head back, his Adam's apple bobbing with his voice.

Adrien pulled away, licking his lips and smirking.

He loved days like these.

(M/n)'s hands left the blond's hair as he dragged his fingers over his stomach and the bottom part of his ribs, he could feel the bruises beginning to set in. He raised his arms above his head, his eyelashes fluttering at the blond as he pursed his lips slightly.

Adrien chuckled, "You're such a baby sometimes," his cheeks flushed brighter as he stripped the boy underneath him of his shirt. Already knowing what the boy was asking for, Adrien got to work on his neck and chest.

The harsh kisses coaxed moans out of the teen's throat, they were deep and whiny as his eyes fluttered shut. It was as if he was floating again, he arched his stomach up into Adrien's chest, his legs twitching as he let his head fall to the side.

When Adrian pulled away to catch his breath, (M/n) tugged on the bottom of the blond's shirt, the Model huffed and pulled it up and over his head. (M/n) grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down. Clasping his palms onto the boy's hips and directing his chest towards his face.

(M/n)'s lips latched onto the olive-toned skin, leaving behind light red kiss marks, his fingers digging into Adrien's hips and traveling down to his backside to hold onto tighter.

Adrien hummed at the satisfying feeling, his lips parting to let out soft whines every time (M/n)'s teeth dug into his collarbone and shoulders.

They both loved these slow days, slow sex, and make-outs always made the day seem longer.

(M/n) fluffy hair blocked his eyes out of sight of the blond, making him huff and push his bangs out of the way, (M/n)'s lust-filled dull (E/c) irises made contact with the hazy gaze of the model instantly.

Both of them shuddered at the predatory gazes.

"Adrien.." (M/n)'s hoarse voice vibrated within his chest stimulating the feeling in Adrien's stomach. The model hummed, playing with the boy's hair.

"I love you," the sudden confession made Adrien blush and smile as he nipped the pianist's lips, "I love you too, (M/n)."

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