Chapter 20: Hall of Curses

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{Go check out my Jujutsu Kaisen x Blue Exorcist story!! King of Curses}

Rose groaned softly as she tried to think about what was bothering her crush, recently, (M/n) had this depressing aura around him and every time she tried to ask what was bothering the teen, she would be pushed away(figuratively). She turned to Juleka who was watching her with concern evident in her expression. 

"I'm worried about him..." the blonde muttered tiredly, Juleka sighed and nodded along with the shorter girl. 

"So am I, but, these things take time." The black-haired girl tried to reassure. But it proved to do more harm than good. The blond let out another sigh as she stuffed her face in her crossed arms. 

"I know, but---" Rose let out a harsh sniffle and leaned into her arms again as Juleka shifted her attention towards the (h/c)-haired teen who was scowling down at his desk. 

Get better soon...(M/n), Rose is worried about you


(M/n) stared at the stair case in disbelief, Marinette's form seemed so...small compared to him now. He shakily gripped her hips and pulled her away from him. His trembling hands latching onto the girl's shoulders as he examined her expression. She had to be lying. 

"N..No..You're lying--"

"I'm not lying." Marinette's stern voice knocked him out of his thoughts as he gasped and shifted away. He looked down at the ground, not meeting the black-haired girl's bright blue bell eyes. (M/n) glared down at his feet. 

I've been nothing more than a damn slacker...doing nothing while Marinette carried this unbearable weight on her shoulders. 

The tall teen could only suck up his tears as he let go of the girl and glanced at his phone that could only stare back just as cruelly as he glared at it. Why was this so hard to believe...? He should've seen this coming...sure, he's incredibly dense, only focusing on what made him a bad person but ignoring the people who cared about him the most when he needed them the most. 

For that, he was truly and utterly----


"Pathetic..." (M/n) muttered bitterly. 

He was standing in the middle of his cold bedroom, his phone was shattered and no longer worked from constantly throwing it on the ground in fits of anger. His bedroom window was locked and tightly shut, not like his usual open spaced and airy feeling room. His clothes were packed into his suitcase, glancing over to window once more. 

Chat Noir was perched up on the small bulky part of the window sill, his eyes were sad and giving him a begging feeling in his stomach. 

"Let me in!" Chat's muffle voice made the taller teen roll his eyes before making his way over. 

He didn't want to talk to anybody right now. But reluctantly, he opened the window, regretting it instantly when he was tackled down to the ground.

"Marinette told me about what happened!!" Chat's eyes were filled with crocodile tears as he looked the teen over. He was a mess. 

His usually messy golden-blond hair was even messier and he was panting as if he had ran a marathon. And those crocodile tears of his were beginning to shift into genuine tears. (M/n)'s expression fell even more than it had been. He glared at the ground, stuffing his hands into his pockets. 

"Marinette told me that you stopped answering your phone...I got worried about you." Chat made the (h/c)-haired teen grit his teeth. His eyes were watering and he felt frustrated. 

"It's not like that! I...I broke my phone, I'm moving back to Japan, then going to America. I won't be able to come back here again..." (M/n)'s eyes were starting to blur with big tears as he bit his bottom lip. He couldn't stop the tears from follow. His cheeks burned with embarrassment as he aggressively rubbed his face of his tears. 

Chat watched with wide eyes. 

"I don't want to leave--I

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"I don't want to leave--I..I finally have friends! Please...I don't want to go..." (M/n) sobbed. Chat quickly rushed over him, wrapping his arms around his shoulders and crumbling to the floor with him.

"Hey, Hey..." Chat muttered quietly, his heart was pounding, blood boiling. He was angry with himself and (M/n)'s mother. He was angry knowing that whatever he said wouldn't do anything help his crying friend. The golden-blond felt his heart pound in his ears, hugging the taller boy tighter as they cuddled each other on the ground. 

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry," Chat's voice broke on at the end as they tried to comfort each other. 


And just like that, two days had passed, then three, and finally, (M/n)'s mother was on her way to Paris, France.

The (h/c)-haired teen had finished packing all of his belongings, having already turned in his notice for quitting the Bakery to Tom and Sabine, which resulted in some emotional decay in (M/n)'s mental state. He stared ahead, wanting some time to himself, although...he would rather be with Marinette and her family right now. 

They cared for him as if he were apart of their family as well. He would miss them the most. 

As he was walking along the sidewalk, he was startled out of his many racing thoughts when there was a loud wince of pain and a clattering sound of metal mixed with something hitting the ground with a dull thud. 

(M/n) moved to stay close to the wall before glancing down the alleyway only for his eyes to widen at the sight. 

Chat was sprawled out on his side on the ground, clutching his stomach, he had a slight head wound and some of the lingering filled trash bags were torn open out of a clear struggle. He rushed over to the hero's side, flipping him over on his back carefully, he looked him over for any other wounds or if he had any struggle in breathing. 

Seeing nothing wrong with him other than some small bruises and scraps, along with a small gash in his forehead, he carefully propped him up onto his back. "Don't worry, Chat...I'll get you to cleaned up---"

He was interrupted by a flash of green light. 

Chat's leather-like suit didn't feel like leather on his hands as he held the hero's thighs to keep him elevated on his back. The boy's arms were shaking as he gently set the hero down. Something urged him to turn around and look, yelling at him to get it over with. 

No...No I can't do that to him---

His boundless curiosity snapped and he turned around slowly.

{Even after such a long wait on your guy's part, I still left a cliffhanger, you must hate me now---lmaoooo anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Can't wait to see your comments! How did you feel about Chat's way of comforting (M/n)? How do you think (M/n) will react when he sees his mother and Chat's real identity?}

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