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This will not be canon to the story or show, but will contain the same characters as before.
In which (M/n) asks Chat Noir to kiss him.

1523 words.

(M/n) sat quietly in the semi-big circle of students gathered around the empty glass soda bottle in the middle. Marinette had dragged the poor boy to the party being hosted in Chloe's room. Claiming that there would be free food and 'Good Vibes' only. Of course, (M/n) put on a forced smile and gave the girl a reluctant nod before going with her. 

So, here they were, playing Truth or Dare the fair way. If there was a fair way to play in the first place, this was probably the closest thing to it being rigged. 

(M/n) struggled to get comfortable as he frowned softly, hugging his knees closer to his chest as a response when one of the girls got a little too close for comfort. The (h/c)-haired teenager swallowed thickly as the round began, Rose explaining the rules with a little bending of the carefully placed bottle from Kim and Max. 

"Everyone will have a turn to ask and receive the truth or dare, if you are uncomfortable with the truth given to you or the dare you received, you'll be given the choice to do the dare or take a dive into the slime and juice bucket me and Kim made!" Max explained the punishments with an evil-like grin. 

(M/n) and Rose shuddered together as the taller teen leaned down close to Marinette. 

"Why did I have to come again...?" he questioned uneasily. The black-haired girl smiled widely and patted him on the thigh with her free hand while the other was occupied by Alya(who happened to bring a nail kit with her), the red-haired brunette giving her left hand a make-over. 

"Come on! It'll be fun!!" she tried to reassure. As she said that, a soft squeal left her mouth when the bedroom door opened to reveal Adrien in causal out of school and work clothes. Wearing simple light grey sweatpants and a black long-sleeved shirt with black socks to match. 

"Adriekkinnssss!!" Chloe slopped her body over the blond-haired model, the model laughed nervously and forced a smile as he and (M/n) made eye contact. 

(M/n) averted his eyes and focused on the empty soda bottle instead as Kim placed his hand on the cool glass. 

"My turn first!!" the light-haired brunette exclaims, giving the bottle a harsh spin. Anxiety began to build up in (M/n)'s stomach as the bottle slowly came to a stop near him. Marinette pouted and waited for what Kim had to say. 

"Truth or Dare!" Kim shouts, startling (M/n) and Juleka. Marinette pondered for a second before smiling. 

"Truth, I'm being wise!" the black-haired girl's comment made (M/n) snort as he hugged his legs slightly tighter than before. Kim's exasperated groan made him snap back into reality as the jock-like teen tried to think of an idea, he had obviously only thought of dares. 

"What is your biggest secreeettt..?" Kim trailed off, dragging out the last word with a slight shrug of his shoulders. 

Marinette seemed to pale at that as she laughed nervously. The unnerving laughter from the girl made (M/n) perk up, his eyebrows knitting together as he watched his sister-like friend stammer over her words. 

Must be her ungodly crush on Adrien, (M/n) concluded. Marinette frowned and crossed her arms as her expression turned serious, everyone stopped whispering to themselves as they focused on the girl who slowly stood to her feet, raising her arms from her sides to above her head forming a circle.

Before they just as quickly dropped into an 'X' shape over her chest along with her brightening expression into startling scream-like gaping mouth. 

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