LOOK MY WAY Drabbles

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Oneshot #1; Falling For Each Other

{Chat Noir x Male Reader}

Drabble: One character playing with each other's hair and scratching each other's backs.


(M/n) sighed out deeply, rubbing his shoulder as he cracked his neck with a gentle turn of his head. He leaned back in his office chair, his legs were crossed and his toes curled as he adjusted his legs to stretch out underneath the desk. He had remodeled his father's office, seeing as the man no longer needed it since the teen was living alone.

Speaking of which, (M/n) stood to his feet, putting a pause on his studying as he walked around the newly decorated study.

The walls were painted into a soft pastel sage and large plants in round pots covered the corners. The room was illuminated by the open window as the soft fall breeze filled the cozy office. Chat had helped him decorate and move the bulky bookshelves around to fit his tastes and one of the couches in the guest room to fit in the small space on the wall.

The seventeen wanted a hammock, claiming that it would be comfier than some old leather couch but when the boy had sat down on it for the first time, he insisted that it would be fine to use.

Chat hadn't stopped teasing him about that ever since.

The (h/c)-haired teen's face lit up at the thought of the shorter blond. Just thinking about him made him think about the fact that he had hated him at some point in time. Shaking his head at the thought, the teen massaged his left shoulder a little more before turning around to face his window only to pause when he caught the boy he was just thinking about, climbing half-way through the open window with wide jade-colored eyes.

"Ah." they simultaneously voiced.

(M/n) shakily turned back around to look at the door as Chat pursed his lips, "You're gonna pretend that I'm not even here?" he teased. (M/n) frowned.

He scared the shit out of me...

Chat Noir climbed through the rest of the way and plopped down on the warm office chair, smiling to himself as he leaned into the cushions more. He always came over around in the afternoon if he wasn't on patrol or busy with his civilian life.

The h/c)-haired teen shifted his attention to the leather couch and back to the blond as he turned back around and grabbed ahold of the book that he was reading before hand and placed it into the bookshelf next to his desk. After marking his page, of course.

THe two made eye-contact, smiling at one another before (M/n) made his way over to the window, looking out at his peaceful neighborhood. The breeze tousled his hair and his glasses blocked the wind slightly from his sensitive eyes. The two sat in a warm silence. Letting the sound of the window and fluttering curtains fill that silence comfortably before Chat stood up from the swirling chair and made his way over to the taller teen.

"I'm tired, (M/n)," Chat whispered. (M/n) glanced at him from the corner of his eyes before sighing and nodding to himself.

"You can take a nap on the couch then," he retorted monotonously. Sarcasm lacing his deep voice. Chat Noir frowned but shook his head as he wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders and rested his messy hair on his nape.

"Nope~," Chat sang, "I want to take a cat nap with you on the couch." The cat-themed hero smiled when he felt the taller teenager jolt underneath him. His feline-like pupils dilated as he cuddled into the boy's back more.

He wouldn't say that they were in a relationship.

Because they weren't.

It wasn't official, and honestly, (M/n) just wanted the warmth of the golden-blond as much as Chat wanted the attention. They were both touch starved and wanted more and more from each other the longer they hung out in the same room alone. The two stayed in a brisk silence before looking into each other's eyes and wordlessly made their way to the leather couch.

The cushions were cold and quickly absorbed the warmth that the tall teen was giving off along with Chat's greedy kisses that the hero stole from (M/n)'s lips.

They weren't in a relationship.

You could just say that they were friends with benefits. Even then, it wouldn't make sense for (M/n)'s heart to be pounding so hard in his chest. It wouldn't make sense for him to long for those kisses every time he saw the hero.

Nor would it make sense for the two to love this feeling as much as they do.

(M/n)'s hands rested on Chat's hips, playing with the small black leather belt that hung loosely with the fake cat tail from the miraculous influence of his costume. He liked playing with it every chance he got.

The golden-blond parted his lips, biting the boy's bottom lip playfully as he rested his clawed fingers on his sharp jaw, watching as the boy shuddered under his touch. He liked the feeling of power over someone so much taller than him. The lanky boy frowned and pursed his lips.

"Stop.." he whispered breathlessly, he didn't dislike the feeling of the model's hands on him, but at the same time he loathed the feeling of butterflies it gave him in the pit of his stomach.

The two hadn't gone further than making out and lightly touching, both of them agreeing that it was far too soon to give each other their virginity. Chat let out a soft chuckle, humming softly to himself as he shook his head and peered up at the teenager through his blond eyelashes and thick golden bangs. (M/n)'s heart was pounding against his ribcage and the feeling left him unable to think properly.

He wanted more.

He yearned for more.

But it was still too soon.

"I thought you were tired," (M/n) mouthed, his hands traveling up the hero's waist to his sides then back down to the back of his thighs to lift him up a little farther to rest on his chest.

Chat sighed out and rested his hidden ear to lean against the teen's shoulder, playing with the plain long-sleeved hoodie that the pianist was wearing. Messing with the hoodie string, curling it around his clawed fingers and tugging on it to clear his boredom.

(M/n) rested his head on the soft cat pillow that the model had gotten for his office, saying "You need more cute things in your life," before throwing it into his face. (M/n) grinned at the memory but pushed it aside when the hero looked up at him.

"I am tired," Chat started, his lips meeting the boy's jaw, "I just wanted to kiss for a bit." His voice cracked a little as he forced it to be quiet. (M/n) hummed, the deep vibration reminded the hero of a purr making him giggle to himself. The (h/c)-haired pianist wanted to ask what was so funny, but he ignored it and played with the hero's tail, his lips resting on the mess of golden strands.

The strands smelt like lavender and hints of pine which calmed him deeply, his eyes grew heavy and he slipped off his glasses, placing them on the ground with his long arms before wrapping them around the hero's shoulders and hugging him gently.

Chat noticed the gentle hold, snuggling his face in the boy's neck more.

"You're always so gentle with me..." Chat whispered.

The seventeen-year-old only hummed quietly, closing his eyes as he scratched the hero's back. Chat purred at the feeling, nuzzling his nose more into the boy's neck, peppering kisses on the slightly scarred skin. (M/n)'s free hand let go of the boy's tail and moved up to the strands of golden hair, running his fingers through it.

This was nice...

{I hope you enjoyed this small drabble, I saw the ideas on Pinterest, if you have any more drabble ideas for me, let me know and I'll write them if I have time and energy lmaoo}

LOOK MY WAY |Male reader x Adrien Agreste|Where stories live. Discover now