Chapter 29: Bet #2; When our hands intertwine.

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(M/n) paced his room, pondering over what Marinette wanted to talk to him about, sure, it might be about the way I was acting around Adrien recently---or maybe she wants me to come back to work! His thoughts were racing his heart was pounding agai...

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(M/n) paced his room, pondering over what Marinette wanted to talk to him about, sure, it might be about the way I was acting around Adrien recently---or maybe she wants me to come back to work! His thoughts were racing his heart was pounding against his ribcage, forcing his breathing to grow erratic and for his Pacing to freeze abruptly.

Trying to breathe out normally, it only came out as stuttered slurs as he shook his head and gripped his arms hazardously. "COme on..." His voice cracked hopelessly, "Breath normally you idiot!" he hissed, scrunching his nose with an emotional fury of words that began to overwhelm him.

"Come On.." He whispered.

He was surprised that he hadn't crumbled to the ground yet, he didn't need to overthink like this, Marinette was probably just going to ask why he and Adrien were suddenly best friends---it was just a normal situation. So why was he overreacting so much--

His dangerous thoughts were interrupted by the harsh cold ring of his phone going off in his back pocket. Ignoring his racing heart and mindless insults echoing through his head, he breathed in deeply then held it as he grabbed ahold of his phone, fishing it out of his pocket.

The breath that he was holding was let out involuntarily with a loud gasp as he fumbled with his vibrating device in his hands

"A-ADRIEN!" he screamed out, his raw throat rubbing irritably as he coughed out slightly in return, answering it and holding it up to his ear, he waited for the boy's voice to greet him.

"Adrien..?" he hoarsely whispered, wincing at the sound of his own voice as he adjusted his glasses.

Instead of the boy's voice, he heard Plagg's echo through his ears.

"HEYYYYYY! I gotta ask you a favor Kiddo," Plagg smirked with his words as (M/n) glanced to the side and hummed out hesitantly. By just the tone of his squeaky voice, (M/n) could already tell that Plagg was up to no good.

"Wh-What...What is it? How do you have Adrien's Phone---?!" the tall teenager was interrupted by the faint yelling from the other side of the phone, Adrien's voice finally being heard clearly with a slam of a door in the background.

"Listen closely, I can't talk for long--the brat came back, but I need you to head to the central park, Adrien is having a photoshoot there and needs your help!" Before the tallboy could even reject the small favor he was met with silence when the line cut out completely.

(M/n)'s expression could only be described as...interesting.

I'm going to die today, was all that (M/n) could even process in his mind.


"This is a horrible idea, why am I even here? Should I bail? Marinette wants to talk to me anyway--but what if Adrien gives me those fucking puppy eyes?!" (M/n) argued to himself, hugging his arms closer to his chest as he paced back and forth just outside the park gates.

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