Chapter 43: Satisfaction

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DAY ELEVEN; BET #2: Satisfaction


After ten whole days, (M/n) had made his decision.


The night breeze in the Eiffel Tower graced across the tall boy's face as he let out a small hum at the feeling. There was finally a break in the hot weather that he had to power through, it felt amazing--contrasting against his hot skin as he let his eyelids flutter closed. The breeze tousled his hair gently in a domestic wave as he coursed his fingers through it.

With light rain peppering his cheeks and eyelashes, he turned around to the soft thud behind him and offered a small smile towards the blond hero.

His expression was that of an actual hero.

Charming and welcoming, much like when they first met.

(M/n) sighed out and lowered his arm to his side, shoving his hands into his pockets, the boy gestured for the hero to stand beside him with a small tilt of his head and a friendly grin.

Adrien was nervous, that was obvious, he swallowed the forming lump in his throat before nodding curtly, stepping forward anxiety wiping his palms against his legs--even though he was wearing gloves--he felt the need to fiddle with something. Which happened to be his leather belt tail, thankfully, (M/n) didn't bother to say anything about it.

"Adrien.." (M/n)'s voice was soft and deep, the honey-like tone made Adrien want to melt. He responded by turning to look at the speckled teen with a small tilt of his chin upwards their eyes met.

It seemed as though the world had stopped.

It froze for just the two of them.

Adrien was okay with that.

"I just..the bet that we decided on--I kept refusing you and pushing you away. And I'm sorry," (M/n) scratched the back of his head as he slid off his glasses from the bridge of his nose and let his hand fall back to his side once again(with the black frames in his loose hold).

"You passed," (M/n) stated simply, his cheeks were rosy and damp from the light rain sprinkling on their heads and shoulders. The (h/c)-haired teen blushed darker at the embarrassing confession, "It should've been obvious by now--" he fiddled with his glasses. Avoiding any sort of potential eye contact with the blond as he rolled on the balls of his feet.

Adrien stared at him bewildered--and slightly dumbfounded as he instinctively backed up slightly with his heels. But once the words had registered, Adrien threw his arms around the broad shoulders of his crush and dear friend, burrowing his face in the boy's neck as he laughed.

He felt relieved.

"I won?" he whispered hoarsely, his voice light and hesitant, (M/n)'s rumbling chest made his heart warm as he smiled wider.

"I did--Didn't I?!" he pulled away from the teen-only to be pulled in again. The hug lasted longer than the one beforehand. An airy chuckle left Adrien's lips as he felt his eyes begin to water.

"It's crazy...I never thought that it would work--becoming your friend, I mean..." Adrien jumbled with his words messily but it caused the taller teen to laugh. To the hero, that's all that mattered.

"Is this why you called me out here?" Chat, (Adrien had almost forgotten that he was still transformed), placed his clawed fingers on the boy's shoulders, pushing his chest away from the pianist. Their eyes met, a blush crawling up (M/n)'s the spine and settling onto his ears and neck before he looked away with a curt nod.

"It is, but there's also a different reason too.." he trailed off, his voice cracking slightly near the end. Chat glanced at him curiously, (M/n) pursed his lips and scratched his left arm.

"I.." (M/n) grunted, frustrated before he made his way over to the blond and held his gloved hands in his palms.

"I can't play without you, Adrien, I can't be here--without you by my side." (M/n)'s hair tousled with the breeze as he grinned at the boy brightly, "You complete me," he sealed his words with that charming smile that made the hero want to shield away from him. He had never seen the boy so..happy before, it almost made him want to cry.

It was sadder knowing that (M/n) hasn't been this happy since he had gotten here.

The lights behind them made (M/n)'s eyes look prettier.

The blond smiled back and held the boy's hands tighter.

"When you say it like that, it sounds like a proposal," he teased, smirking when the taller teen stammered out a response. Chat sighed out deeply, letting his tense shoulders relax as he rested his forehead on the boy's chest.

(M/n) smiled, letting go of the blond's hands and setting his wide palms onto his shoulder blades. 

I wish it were...Both Chat's and (M/n)'s thoughts echo. 


Later that night, both Chat and (M/n) had made their way to the boy's house, laughing to themselves about some stupid joke that the blond had come up with. The walk itself was nice and the warm breeze to the salty scent of the water underneath the bridge that they were stationed, everything seemed as if Chat was dreaming. 

This had to be some Akuma effecting him--his thoughts were interrupted when (M/n)gently held his hand, finally noticing that he had stopped walking and laughing the hero smiled nervously and avoided the pianist's eyes. 

"You okay..?" the question was left unanswered for a second before the hero let out a long sigh and nodded slowly. 

"Sorry..." he muttered bitterly, "I..I never thought I would be where I am today," Chat pursed his lips and tried to fight off the bubbling tears forming in his eyes. He felt unsatisfied..he shouldn't feel this way--but he did. The feeling was undeniable. 

He wanted something that he was too scared to ask for. 

(M/n) offered him a sad smile to which Chat returned as he gnawed on the inside of his cheek. 

"Adrien," (M/n) let out a deep breath, "I.." Chat could've sworn that his heart had stopped beating. His breathing came to a hold when the (h/c)-haired boy came closer. His eyes half-lidded as his lips parted in anticipation. 

Kiss me, Adrien wanted to whisper. 

Kiss me so I can know how I feel--

The words almost left his lips but he waited impatiently for the cowardly teen inches away from him. (M/n) held his baited breath before pulling away and smiling--the smile strained and immediately regretful. Adrien rolled his eyes and harshly grabbed ahold of the boy's collar and yanked him down.

"You just have to make me do everything myself, don't you?" the comment was snarky making (M/n) stare at him mildly confused before his eyes widened. 

Their lips finally touched. 

WE'RE KISSING!! (M/n)'s thoughts were running through his head, ransacking his emotional responses and utterly destroying the walls he had so desperately built. 

The kiss was rough and long-awaited. Teeth clashing at the force of Adrien's grip tightening on the boy's t-shirt--scared that if he pulled away, (M/n) would leave him. Heat blossomed in the pit of the blond's stomach, his eyes fluttering shut as he loosened his grip. 

Adrien barely felt the rejuvenating feeling of detransforming--faintly hearing Plagg gag in the background. The model went to pull away, his cheeks flushed--the color was rosy and erotic. 

(M/n)'s hands stayed stationary in the air, hovering just above the model's hips. 

A quiet "Wow," leaving his plump lips in return. 

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