Chapter 15: Day Three; wheezing and Coughing

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{Heyoooo sorry for the late updates!! Thank you for waiting so patiently and sending me such encouraging comments! They really do make my days better, anyway, enjoy this chapter!}

Adrien bit his fingernails anxiously, he and the taller teen of the class were in the Nurse's Office, waiting for a pass to leave school that way the (h/c)-haired teen could get home safely with no questions asked. And currently, the two were alone and in a deadly silence. (M/n) was propped up on a pillow on one of the many beds in the large office. Schools were recently undergoing construction during Christmas to build bigger Offices for Doctor's along with Nurse's for Akuma attacks.

Other than that, Adrien was panicking, what would (M/n) say--or do to him, if he had found out that it was him who was taking him home. Invading in his privacy of his own home.

He would probably kill me... Adrien thought to himself, growling lowly and pacing back and forth.

"Oi..." Adrien froze in mid step, the gravelly and hoarse voice of the taller teen made his blood run cold. He imagined his neck creaking slowly as he slowly turned his attention to the wheezing boy beside him.

It didn't seem like (M/n) was actually looking at him, his eyes were glossed over and his face was flushed with a feverish blush, that dusted over his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.

"(M..(M/n)?" Adrien mumbled tenderly, a larger hand grabbed a hold of his wrist in a loose hold, it seemed desperate and a sad attempt to stop him from moving much. "(M/n)?" Adrien repeated once more, a little louder to grasp the pianist's fleeting attention.

"T...Don..eave..e.." (M/n) mumbled incoherently, Adrien leaned a little closer to hear the boy. "Don't...Don't leave me alone...again," (M/n) spoke a little more clearly, his glossed eyes watered and he was on the verge of crying. His glasses were on the short bed-side table next to the two. Clacking against the cheap glazed over wood when Adrien bumped his hip against it by accident.

Adrien moved without thinking and hugged the teen, despite the fact of knowing he might get sick, hugged him tight and hid his face in his shoulder. (M/n)'s eyes shut and he muffled his cries on Adrien's shoulder, his meek hold on his wrist loosening as he wrapped his right arm around the model.

"Don't leave me again, Tyler, Please..." He continued to cry.

Adrien bit his bottom lip, he had so many questions that he needed answers to. But he could wait.

He could wait, just a little longer.


(M/n) groaned, his eyes squinting at the bright light invading through his open window, his chest felt heavy and something was weighing down his left arm. Blinking away his sleep as the migraine he had this morning came back full throttle.

He slowly sat up, his hand reaching up to his head and massaging his temples with his fingers. 


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" had that stupid dream again." He groaned out with a subtle glare.

His eyes tried to focus but it was proved useless without his glasses, "Dammit...where--"

Glanced down at his chest, the white fur and round blue feline-like eyes staring back into his tired and confused (e/c)-colored hues.

"When..." His attention shifted to the disappearing weight on his left arm, the lack of weight made him sigh out in relief out of reflex as he tried to figure out what it was. Catching the glimpse of Golden-blond hair made his heart drop to his stomach.

"C-Chat..Noir?" He mumbled out, he reached out his right hand to the small shelf in his headboard, brushing his fingers against the normal place he kept his glasses. It was proven to be less than accurate as the person he assumed to be 'Chat Noir' or as he liked to call him, 'Cat Boy' grabbed a hold of his hand and placed the black-frames into his hand.

"Y-Yep! I'm here to t-tAke care of yoU!" Adrien stuttered his voice cracking, he should've responded. Quickly standing to his feet, he covered (M/n)'s eyes right before he put on his glasses and gestured for Plagg to transform him. Mouthing the proper words and a quick 'thank you' as the glittery and relaxing feeling covered his body. Once he was sure the transformation was complete, his hand left (M/n)'s eyes.

Before his hand left his face completely, (M/n) slapped it away and glared at the general direction where he heard the blond.

"(M/n)," Chat paused, trying to hold in his laughter, "you''re glaring at the wall..." With this being said, (M/n) blushed brightly and immediately shifted his attention to his lap and huffed in embarrassment.

"Whatever..." he grumbled.

"Who's Tyler?" The question made the air turn cold and stiff, almost freezing (M/n) on impact.

"H-How do you know that name?" (M/n) spat out, gritting his teeth as he continued to glare at his hands. "Answer me!" (M/n) raised his raspy voice. His eyes glistening with burning tears. Chat swallowed his answer, choking back with his reply as he stumbled over the right words to say.

"Was..Was he close to you?" Chat continued to ask, not answering the boy's question.

(M/n)'s migraine felt worse as the pain thumped in the back of his head, his eyes going in and out of focus. He was wearing a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of sweatpants, the cold patch on his forehead beginning to peel off. He felt the discomfort of the original clothes he was wearing earlier that day begin to annoy him.

At least he didn't see the scars..(M/n) tried to look for the bright side of this situation, but he couldn't find even a speck of light despite the bright sunlight cascading through his thin curtains.

"..He was," (M/n) muttered back, Chat barely caught what he had said but nodded solemnly in respect.

"You called Adrien..Um, You called him Tyler when you guys were in the Nurse's Office..That's how I knew his name." Chat answered the teen's previous question, the flashback of (M/n)'s crying figure and the warmth of his body clinging to him was still fresh in his mind. It had only happened a few hours ago.

"Did Golden boy tell you that?" (M/n) shot back, Chat hid his confusion over the sudden nickname and shook his head, "I was by the window when it happened...I--I..I'm sorry," Chat mumbled. (M/n) sighed deeply and shook his head.

"It...It's fine. I, I still haven't gotten over it, he--" (M/n) was interrupted by a series of coughs erupting from his throat.

Chat rushed to his side and rubbed his back soothingly as he made sure that the water he had placed on the bedside table was still there. Grabbing a hold of it quickly, he placed it in (M/n)'s right hand instead of his left.

"Drink this," Chat pushed him a little to sit up more.

(M/n) tried to clear his throat, groaning and taking long sips from the cold water greedily.

"Thank..Thank you, ahem," (M/n) cleared his throat once more, his lips twitched upward before they twitched down once more.

"I'll tell you..I'll tell you about Tyler. Though, It'll take some time.." the (h/c)-haired teen sighed once more. 

{I hope you enjoyed it!! Let me know what you think and who do you think Tyler is? Mwahahaha I'm sure that you'll guys like him! How should their relationship progress, Chat and (M/n) speaking}

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