Chapter 49: Dinner Plans

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Rose frowned as she glared down at all of her dresses, they ranged from a variety of pinks and reds, maybe even once in a blue moon a purple. She wanted to expand her wardrobe for prom. Sure--it wasn't like she wanted piles upon piles of layers. She wanted something simple that accentuated her curves.

The short blond pursed her lips in a deep pout before she tossed another dress onto her bed. Juleka smiled at her from the beanbag that was placed in one of the corners of the room. They had been like this for about an hour or so, picking and choosing the dresses that Rose liked and didn't like. As for (M/n), he sat in the center of the blond's bed with a few articles of clothing thrown hazardously onto his head and chest.

"Rose..." (M/n) spoke up quietly, eyes wondering over the brightly colored dresses coupled in his arms. "Why don't we start putting back the ones you don't like that way it'll be easier to decide...?" the statement ended as a question as (M/n) set down the dresses, gently setting them down on the pink rug in the middle of the girl's room.

Rose grumbled a few incoherent agreements before shuffling over to the end of the bed and plopping down onto the ground as (M/n) tugged the dresses onto the ground in order.

"I know that it's mainly pink, but what kind of pink did you want to wear?" (M/n) asked, Juleka joined them by the dresses, her eyes creased at the amount of bright and hot pinks exposed to the naked eye. (M/n) had a hard time looking at them for too long as well. The pianist hummed to himself and gestured for Rose to stand up from the ground and grabbed a random dress from the ground.

Holding it over the girl's torso, he examined her and turned to Juleka sneakily smiling as the black-haired girl smiled back and grabbed another one.

"These two are your favorites right?" Juleka muttered, a sweet grin forming on her face as the blonde carefully looked over the glitter and puffy sleeves of the dress in the body mirror across from her.

"Yeah..." she trailed off, her lips twitching upward into a small charming smile, "I like them.."

(M/n) turned on his heel and fished out his phone from his school bag. Rose looked from behind his arm curiously as Juleka did the same on the other side, "What are you doing?" she asked, her bottom lip puckering out in a pout.

"Texting Marinette," (M/n) replied simply.


"To tailor these dresses for you. If you can't choose between just one...wear both." (M/n) shrugged before smiling softly as his text went through with an instant reply back. Turning back to the girl, his smile widened as held up the dresses. "How big did you want it? Puffy or a princess gown?"

Rose's eyes welled up with tears as she wrapped her arms around the dresses.

"I think you already know!!"


Adrien dried his face with a towel, his hair was slightly damp. Plagg was napping by his pillow, snoring away--a video from his computer playing quietly in the background of the kwami's snores. It was a replay of (M/n)—preforming when he was younger. Confident and loosely edged with nimble fingers dancing on the keys with such beautiful tone that Adrien could've sworn that it was edited.

For something so profoundly endearing, it had to be fate.

Adrien dressed in a simple pullover sweatshirt with dark green accents on the sleeves and collar along with some dark brown pants. There wasn't a photo shoot today—but he was going on a date!

When he exited his room, Natalie was waiting for him by his door along with his father. Startled by the sudden appearance, he smiled genuinely a bit awkward, but genuinely, as he addressed the man in front of him.

"Hello, Father," Adrien kept his awkward grin. Tone wavering as Gabriel nodded back in greetings.

"Enjoy your day out, (M/n) is a good influence on you as a fellow pianist himself, you could learn a thing or so from him. I should also let you know that I had Natalie invite him over for dinner tonight as well. So be sure to get back on time." The prestigious man voiced sternly, patting the boy on the shoulder before turning around and walking with hollow echoing footsteps following behind him. The model opened and closed his mouth to answer only to end up keeping his mouth shut as he inhaled deeply through his nose.

This is bad...

"R..Right--uh, thank..thank you!" His voice fell on deaf ears. 

This is super...super fucking bad.

Adrien frowned and turned to Natalie who was mindlessly scrolling through her tablet, she always kept it with her, "Is there anyway you can get a hold of (M/n) right now?" he asked sheepishly, "I'm sure that he's freaking out right now." His smile widening more awkwardly and urgently. 

Natalie smiled back and nodded, "I'll let you know when I get him on the line." She voiced, beginning to turn away. Plagg popped out from behind him with tired confused eyes. 

"Kid, I could practically smell your anxiety stench over my precious cheese!" he yawned, stretching out his arms before settling on the boy's shoulder. Adrien paled and quickly retreated to his room when Natalie glanced over her shoulder curiously. The blond smiled and waved her goodbye before shutting the door quickly. 

"Plagg--" He hissed quietly, "if Natalie finds out and tells my dad, Master Fu is going to take you away!" Plagg raised his tiny paws in the air defensively before blowing out a burp in the teenager's face in retaliation. 

Adrien gagged at the smell and turned away, plugging his nose, "that's gross..." he murmured. 

The kwami shrugged before forcing out a grin, "(M/n) could always be my Chat Noir too! You saw his potential," the cat sassed, smirking when the model pursed his lips into a pout. He loved the two to death, he didn't care who was his owner. But now that they were dating, (M/n) and him could be around each other with the same amount of time that he and Adrien were around each other. 

"Listen, kiddo, I know you're worked up about spill--what is the big deal?" Plagg crossed his arms, staring at the blond blankly as he floated in front of him. 

"My dad invited (M/n) over for dinner." 




"Oh shit..."

{So sorry for the lack of updates, I should be able to update more in the future, I finally bought a computer for myself and I've been working harder this year since It's my last year of High school!!! I'm super excited and stressed but I've been trying to work hard on earning enough to get new cosplays and computers to update more. Let me know what you think of this chapter in the comments!!}

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