Chapter 38: Tangible Lessons

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DAY NINE; BET #2: Tangible Lessons


(M/n) regretted asking Adrien for help, it's not as though he was a bad teacher--definitely not--it was just..He's so distracting.

(M/n) could hardly focus on what the boy was saying when he was in such close proximity of the model. And (M/n) didn't have the heart to tell the blond that he had already memorized the playing piece that they would be performing at the end of the play together.

(M/n) was playing as a knight that rarely talked or moved throughout the play--which was a plus, while Adrien would be playing as the Prince in shining armor--or in this case, Metallic-painted foam in the shape of armor.

The taller teen began to drift in and out of focus.

Adrien's hands caught (M/n)'s eyes as the blond glided over the piano keys softly--his fingertips kissing the white bone of the porcelain while he glazed over the black spines of the flats and sharps. The hero in disguise continued to hum to himself, the sheet music wasn't complicated but it wasn't easy for an amateur to play it simply either. (E/c) glistening irises pondered over the thin olive-toned fingers of the model.

They're smaller than mine..(M/n) absent-mindlessly held Adrien's warmer and petite hands in his own, missing the small jolt in the model's knuckles as his thumb grazed over the veins.

Before he could realize it, his phone rang in his pocket, briskly letting go of Adrien's hand(hesitant and fearful of letting go of that warmth), (M/n) fished his phone out from his pocket--checking the ID before bowing his head toward the golden blond.

"I have to take this, sorry.." (M/n)'s face began to heat up, the fact that he held Adrien's hand beginning to fester and fluster.

Adrien didn't seem to mind, only blushing a little before nodding with a gentle smile.

"It's okay," he waved, "take your time!" with a curt smile, (M/n) sighed and left the office and made his way to his room.

Marinette was trying to call him, this was the third time that day and the previous calls were just to annoy him. He couldn't help but feel a little paranoid to ignore them--what if she really did need something and he just ignored her? What if it was important? Did she get hurt--!

(M/n) was snapped out of his thoughts by the feeling of his phone vibrating in his hand once again, with a flustered frown, the (h/c)-haired teen answered and reached the phone up to his ear once again.

"What." (M/n)'s voice laid flat, ignoring her would've been better than sounding so cold.

"(M/N)!!" Rose's loud voice surprised him, immediately guilt filling his stomach as he shut his eyes, massaging his temple with an inaudible sigh.

"Rose," he paused, "Wait, why do you have Marinette's phone?" his deep voice rubbed his vocal chords, the rawness making his voice huskier than intended. He could faintly hear Marinette 'fangirling' over something in the background. Rose let out a short huff and it was clear to him that she was crossing her arms with a big pout.

"I tried texting you earlier but you never responded, we're at your house--for the Costume measurements?" Rose's reminder made the tall teenager wince at the forgetfulness of his brain.

"Sorry about that, I have some sweets here if you want those as an apology, I had my phone off for a while.." Almost as if on cue to make things worse, Adrien walked into his bedroom.

"I got a text from Alya saying that she and Marinette are here with some of the girls--"

(M/n) smacked his hand over the model's mouth, cupping his palm over the warm tissue of Adrien's lips the instant. (M/n) gnawed on his bottom lip, now I know why Mari was freaking out so much...(M/n) shook his head toward the blond, his eyes narrowing when Adrien kissed his palm--it wasn't intentional but the feeling of Adrien's lips made a shudder rake through the (h/c)-haired boy's body.

"Was that--"

"No," (M/n) answered quickly before he hissed, "Sorry, It was on a commercial. I'll be down in a second to let you guys in," (M/n) forced his hand down harder on the blond's mouth, stopping him from making any noise. It was already obvious that Adrien was there but it never hurt to try and make it seem like he wasn't. The hero glared up at the (h/c)-haired teen, his eyes surveying the boy's jaw when he looked off to the side.

"Okie dokie!" Rose beamed.

After biding their goodbyes, (M/n) turned back toward Adrien who was staring up at him, (M/n)'s grip loosened before it trailed down the model's chin and neck, dropping completely after a few moments.

"Sorry..about that..." he mutters, the lingering feeling of Adrien's lips moving against his palm made him embarrassed, he could've just told Adrien to be quiet--why did I have to do that? (M/n) whined to himself, his eyes caught sight of Adrien's drifting down to his hands.

It wasn't an uncommon to see the boy glancing at them every few minutes, but he had a feeling that Adrien was feeling bolder the more time that they spent together.

(M/n) felt that as well.

That boldness.


Rose held her face in her hands as he expressed a look of pure bliss wash over her expression. (M/n) had let the girls in not too long after the incident between the two boys. Alya, Marinette, Rose, Juleka, and Mylene, were all here to get the costumes ready for both Adrien and (M/n).

Alya must've texted Marinette and the rest of the girls that weren't there(the festival starter day) about the fact that both the boys would be playing and participating in the play. (M/n) jutted his bottom lip out in a pout as he glanced away from Marinette's burning stare, sweat trickling down the side of his face as he hugged his left arm to his chest.

Another bad habit of his, over than messing with his lips when he's lost in thought, (M/n) feels more secure if his left arm is close to his torso at all times.

Adrien let out a nervous chuckle at the clear tension between the sibling-like teenagers before breaking the silence with a clear of his throat.

"Shouldn't we get ready for the Costume Measurements?" he questions, let out another chuckle when Marinette smacked the (H/c)-haired boy on the back of his head. (M/n) whined out lowly, the sound coming out as more whiny than he intended, thankfully no one commented on it.

Rose perked up more, hugging the boy's left arm--narrowly feeling the way he jolted in pain. Marinette and Adrien's faces blended into irritation. (M/n) gently pulled his arm away, and patted the blonde's hair instead.

Adrian felt even more irritation festering inside him, by the time he noticed it, (M/n) was already gone--the teen had traveled to the kitchen while the model was lost in his thoughts. When he had appeared, he was holding a small stool with his right hand.

"Here," Rose smiled up at the (h/c)-haired teen, "So you can reach.." (M/n) let out a smooth chuckle, making the girl blush before humming and getting comfortable on the small wooden chair. Before anyone could say anything by their interaction, a small chime of Marinette's and Alya's phone echoed throughout the spacious living room.

(M/n) pursed his lips, peaking over the black-haired girl's shoulder to see the message. Marinette shoved his face away before he could read it.

'Project: Get Rose off of (M/n)!!'

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