Chapter 45.5: Coming Clean

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Adrien is great with making up excuses to his Assistant and bodyguard, but in a moment like this, he wishes he were dreaming.

(M/n) slicked his hair back, letting it sit with some gel as he straightened out his clip-on armor. It was finally time to perform for their mock-live-action play. He slipped in his contacts, setting his glasses down on the tabletop. His expression was grim.

He hated fighting with Adrien.

He was doing this for Marinette, but also for himself. It felt like a wake-up call like he was getting slapped in the face with reality.

I need to make a call to my Mom soon...

The (h/c)-haired teen massaged his left arm, his shoulder aching. When he turned around, he jumped back at the sight of the blue-eyed blonde who was poking her head into the tent.

"Chloe—!" (M/n) breathed out, his hand resting on his chest in surprise. The boy relaxed slightly as he sent the girl an awkward smile.

"What's wrong..?" He asks hesitantly. The blonde blushed, seemingly embarrassed to say, but she rolled her eyes and walked into the room fully. She was wearing a black dress that brought out her blonde curled hair and watery blue eyes.

She's in all actuality, very pretty. (M/n) could see why Kim liked her so much.

"It's almost time to start, Mrs. Bustier asked me to come to get you," she starts—her gaze shifting to the ground, "so here I am!" She did a small bow making the boy smile.

Ever since he's played for her, she's toned down and mellowed out when they were around each other. He was relieved to see her acting softer around their classmates.

"Thank you," (M/n) made his way over to the girl, "are you excited?" He asks.

The boy picked up his knight's helmet in his hands, it was a simple cosplay for a knight. The girls did a stunning job on the costumes.

Chloe scoffed and placed her hand on her hip, "I was born ready for this, what do you take me for?" The blonde huffed and whipped her head away from the taller teenager. (M/n) smiled once more before reaching up to the girl's hair, loosening it from the ponytail.

Her light blonde curls bounced on her shoulders and mid-back.

(M/n) did nothing but smile warmly as he moved a strand of hair from the girl's face.

"Shall we go, Princess?" (M/n) offered his arm to the girl, making Chloe laugh mockingly but she hooked her arms around it anyway.

"Oh, yes, sir knight~," Chloe smirked. Milking the special treatment.

Marinette searched the boy's eyes in front of her, she hoped that she was only dreaming—hallucinating even—but what she saw was real.

Adrien seemed just as surprised, his eyes darting from the girl to the ground. He let it happen again, letting someone see Plagg. Even if it was by accident or on purpose, he could just sense Ladybug's disappointment in him.


"Don't start with that." Marinette hissed, her eyes watering, "You...You're so reckless!" Her shout made the boy recoil back. His lips sealed shut as he stared at the girl with wide eyes.

"Who else knows?! That your—" Marinette stopped herself, pinching her temple as she let out a quiet groan in frustration. She shifted uncomfortably, her lips parting but she stopped herself.

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