Chapter 50: Complete. I Feel Complete.

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(There are some explicitly detailed scenes near the end of this chapter.)

(M/n) stared down at the text on his phone, he had saved Natalie's number for emergencies, but he wasn't expecting a text saying that had been invited by Adrien's dad for dinner---Adrien's Father, one of the strictest people in the world---his Fucking Father--, inviting him to dinner.

"Oh my god, I'm dying," (M/n) patted himself down in conclusion, "I gotta be dying soon..." stressed and basically on the verge of a panic attack--(M/n) screamed when his front door was slammed open by none other than his boyfriend. Chat, who was laying on the couch, jumped at the sound of (M/n)'s screaming and the door slamming open and quickly bounded off to the boy's room and under his bed.

(M/n) clutched his chest and let out a wheeze as he folded into himself and collapsed on the couch in relief. Adrien fell next to him after closing and locking the door, his clothes were disheveled, and his hair a mess. The pianist didn't care whatsoever, only running his fingers through the blond strands mindlessly and relaxing into the soft cushions of the white sofa. Adrien pulled himself up from the boy's side and looked down at the (h/c)-haired teenager.

"We're fucked." He put it bluntly, it forced a bark-ish laugh out of the boy under him.

"I'm fucked, you're perfect." (M/n) sighed into the softness of his couch and brushed a few stray hairs from Adrien's face, and closed his eyes.

"I don't have any nice clothes..."

Adrien opened his mouth.

"I can't fit into your clothes either, Adrien, I'm too tall." (M/n) quickly interrupted.

Adrien pursed his lips into a pout. Cracking his eyes open, (M/n) smiled and pulled the model down to capture him into a chaste kiss. The blond melted into it, chaste kisses growing longer and more passionate. Holding the blond's face his fingers laced themselves into hair and massaged down the back of his neck before down his back until they rested loosely around his neck as their kisses slowed and deepened.

When they parted, Adrien placed his lips on the (h/c)-haired boy's jaw, trailing down his neck and jugular hazardously with sucking breaths.

(M/n) inhaled sharply through his nose as he leaned his head back, lips parting to let out a gasp as Adrien went down lower.

Their intimate moment was interrupted by a harsh knock on his front door. (M/n) groaned when Adrien pulled away, the blond smiling apologetically. (M/n) pulled him down for one more kiss before waving him off with a grin. The blond pursed his lips and shoved the boy playfully in the chest and stood to his feet to get the door.

Adrien chuckled to himself, unlocking the door and prying it open only to catch sight of red and black before he was yanked out of the doorway and up against the wall.

"Ow!" the blond yelped, glaring up at the two in front of him. Alya and Nino were wearing large grins and pinching his arms. The model quickly slapped them away and rubbed at the red irritated skin.

"You won't believe what we heard!" Alya squealed, lowering her voice to a whisper as she yanked the blond closer to whisper in his ear. "I heard that your dad invited (M/n) to have dinner with you guys, you nervous?" Alya asked, smirking from ear to ear as she shook the model by the shoulders. Adrien garbled his answer as he tried to get away from the blogger.

Nino smacked her hands away softly and proceeded to do the same to Adrien but harder. Yanking him back and forth as he laughed, "I'm excited for you dude!!"

Before they could say more, (M/n) opened the door with messy hair and Chat in his arms. The cat mewled and licked his paw, "Might as well invite them inside, unless you're not here to stay." (M/n) voiced coolly, setting Chat in Adrien's arms as the white-furred feline nuzzled into the blond's jaw. Alya shook her head, fanning her face before gesturing behind her toward the boutique.

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