Chapter 19: Unwanted Attention

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Marinette watched as the people walked in small to big strides on the sidewalk outside the Bakery through the window. She was bored. They were closed for today and she was monitoring the produce just in case an order came in and she had to step away from the counter. 

In the Kitchen, (M/n) worked diligently, doing...nothing. 

The two teenagers were bored out of their minds and the close calls of them almost binging on the left over food from yesterday's messed up batch of macaroons were 2:5. 2 being the times that they actually got a hold of the batch and 5 being the times Marinette's mom or dad caught them trying to smuggle them into Marinette's room. 

Marinette groaned loudly, sighing out afterwards a couple of times before (M/n) came in to the front of the Bakery with an annoyed look on his face. "What.." the taller teen adjusted his glasses, leaning against the Kitchen door. 

"I'm bored...and hungry.." Marinette whined, pursing her lips with a frown. (M/n) sighed after a few minutes of silence as he pushed off of the door and right as he made his way over to her, a knock echoed from the entrance. 

(M/n) glanced over, catching sight of the Cat-themed hero. 

He gasped and ducked under the counter and crawled over to the corner, tucking his knees close to his chest, his neck being tilted at an awkward angle with his height and small space underneath the counter. 

It had been a couple of days since the 'Bet' the winner was easily decided after (M/n) confessed who Tyler was. Although he left out most of the detail about the entirety of his feelings of the American Blond. Marinette watched him with a confused glare before making her way over to the door. 

"Wait--No, Don't let him in---" (M/n) hissed in a low whisper, but it was proven to be useless as the black-haired girl unlocked and opened the door for the hero. 

"Chat Noir, what are you doing here today?" the girl asks, a shit-eating grin plastering its way onto her face. 

(M/n) covered his head with his hands and waited for the hero to bounce over to where he was. 

"I actually wanted to ask for some advice about keeping my friendship with (M/n). You seem like the closest person to him these days...other than his other school friends." Chat Noir's timid voice made (M/n) perk up, he listened for a couple more minutes for any signs of movement before Chat Noir's face popped into his view making scream out of surprise and hit his head on the counter. 

"Oww.." (M/n) groaned out, scooting out from underneath the table top, clutching the top of his head with his right hand. Chat and Marinette watched nervously as the taller teen stood shakily to his feet, still holding his head as he slowly turned towards the two teens. 

"That's it..." he muttered darkly, glaring at the golden-blond his his bangs moved out of the way of his eyes. 

"Oh," Chat yelped, he quickly hopped the counter and stuck his tongue out at the (H/c)-haired speckled teen, barking out a laugh when the taller did it back. 

Marinette smiled two boys who continued to stall and throw stupid faces at each other, both too nervous to even start fighting. Not only that, but (M/n) was at a disadvantage, naturally slower than the others in his glass despite his height and more timid when it came down to talking to others. 

A soft buzzing alerted her and she turned to her attention to the counter after (M/n) had ducked down to avoid the hand towel being thrown at him by the cat-themed hero. 

Marinette rolled her eyes, grabbing ahold of the vibrating device as she made her way into the kitchen for more privacy. Lifting the phone to her ear, she answered with a practiced smile. 

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