Chapter 10: Flour caked hands

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{Mentions of Panic Attack}

It's now June. Bright and hot summer-like refreshing days. 

And in all honesty, (M/n) hated hot weather, not only was it like your skin melting off but it was too hot to wear long-sleeves and hoodies. Glaring at his reflection in the large body mirror he stared at his exposed scars on his arm from the surgery. It wasn't as if the scars were too big, but his arm was practically mangled. 

Bulky light pink patches of thin scars and the left over stitches were coming out soon since the wound was almost completely healed. But the only thing that wasn't was the nerves in his arm that he would never get back. 

"Disgusting." he spat coldly. 

Pushing up his sliding glasses, he frowned deeper than before, grabbing a light and thin yellow striped jacket as he fished out his phone from his messy bed-sheets and unplugged it from his charger. 

And right now he was on his way to work. 


(M/n) pushed his bangs back and placed a black ball-cap on his messy thick strands of (h/c)-colored hair. Sweat trickled down his neck and he was starting to burn up with his jacket on. Walking quicker on the sidewalk to the Bakery that was conveniently by his house, (M/n) saw it in view.

But of course, he was interrupted. 

"(M/n)?" Adrien's sweet velvety voice made the (h/c)-haired teen freeze in his spot, slowly glancing over his shoulder to spot the Model not too far away from him. Forcing a stained smile on his face, he adjusted his jacket with his bag draped over his shoulder. 

Of course he had to be here, (M/n) complained to himself lowly. 

Adrien spoke to his manager and photographer before jogging over to where (M/n) was. 

"On your way to work?" he teasingly asked, (M/n) rolled his eyes as he shook his head. 

"No, I'm not." He retorted back sarcastically. Adrien was about to ask another question before catching onto his sarcasm and pursing his lips. (M/n) snorted, the corners of his lips curling up curtly before disappearing. "Mari told me that she needed help," (M/n) comments eventually answering the blond's original question. Adrien hummed and glanced back to his manager who was signalling him to hurry up. 

"Sorry (M/n), I have to get back, Dad wants me to Model for this line's fashion magazine." Adrien pouted weakly waving before jogging back over to the direction of the park. (M/n) waved backed before catching himself and blushing. He didn't want to be friends with Adrien, why would a model of his stature and social ability want to be friends with him of all people?

Brushing off the depressing thoughts he continued his path towards the Bakery, sweating a little more by the time the sun was beating down on his form and thin jacket. 


Marinette and her father, Tom, were in the kitchen by the time that he got there, he had finally taken off his jacket once he got through the bakery doors. The bell ringing to let the professional bakers that someone had entered the store. 

Marinette appeared out from the Kitchen doors, flour spilled on her colorful apron and hand prints on her face with pink strawberry icing. Her blue-bell eyes brightened at the sight of the boy. 

"Papa! (M/n) is finally here!" she joyously bounced over to him, hugging him before recoiling at the feeling of his wet back. (M/n) hummed lowly and thought to himself. 

"It's 80 degrees outside." he comments with a snarky grin. Marinette went to smack his chest in response but noticed his arm. The sight of the scars made (M/n) unconsciously go to cover them as he walked past her to grab an light pink apron that was left hanging up. It was Marientte's mother's but since the kind woman wasn't here(she was out buying more ingredients) it was the only one available. 

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