Chapter 27: Coming to Terms of Your Feelings

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(M/n) glanced down at his notes, he was studying with Rose and Juleka, Nathaniel had said that he was busy but the tall teen had the feeling that he was just avoiding the pianist. Rose and Juleka were helping him with some of the subjects that he had missed due to not being at the College for very long.

(M/n) was originally left-handed, although, with some practice from his physical therapy(the week he attended) they worked on getting his right hand into shape for writing and typing.

Rose noticed his distant look as the boy dozed off slightly with her soft voice. The blonde smiled and scooted closer to the boy, wrapping her arms around the boy's right bicep to grab his attention. (M/n) snapped back from his drowning thoughts and glanced down at the girl, "hm?" he hummed.

"You seem tired, you can take a nap if you want, I'll wake you up in a bit.." she smiled thoughtfully, (M/n) gave her a small nod, and leaned his head onto her shoulder without a second thought, and closed his eyes after taking his glasses off.

"Thanks," he murmured, Juleka gaped at the two before leaning her head onto Rose's other shoulder and hugging her waist.

The small girl blushed at the attention and struggled to calm her rapidly beating heart until her attention was grasped by Nino and Adrien walking into the library with their bags.

Adrien wore something different, other than his usual t-shirt and jeans with the addition of his white overshirt. He wore a black hoodie with black ripped jeans to accompany it. It was getting a little chilly, although the heat of the sun was still down on their backs.

"Hey!" Rose whispered-yelled, grabbing the boys attention, "can you help me?" she smiles. Adrien noticed the tall boy napping and smiled back before making his way over to the boy's side. With scripted movements, Adrien packed up his things and set them into the (h-c)-haired seventeen-year-old's shoulder bag.

"(M/n).." Adrien whispers out softly, grinning when the boy reacted to his voice by humming. "Come on, I'll take you back to your place, " this shocked the other three teenagers watching them. Nino pursed his lips in thought as he watched his best friend coddle the boy he had once insulted for being mean.

(M/n) pushed against Rose's shoulder with his forehead, snuggling his nose near her neck for a second before getting up and rubbing his eyes as Adrien grabbed ahold of his glasses and hand that was reached out for him to hold.

"I'll take him back to his place, he never got his afternoon nap during lunch today since it was raining, have fun studying~, " Adrien's princely smile made (M/n) squint his eyes at the bright grin and plop his head on the boy's nape.

Adrien turned to look back at Nino with a smile, "Sorry Nino, we'll study together next time, " he gave the taller boy an apologetic look before making his way out of the library with (M/n) stumbling behind him. Nino turned to Rose and Juleka who were watching the two with equally shocked expressions. 

Rose shakily looked up at Nino with crocodile tears---not expecting Adrien to actually take the boy away from her.

"I thought (M/n) hated Adrien..." she whined, Nino only nodded back, still in disbelief as he turned his attention back to where Adrien and (M/n) were. 


Adrien made his way to a small alley way and leaned (M/n) against the wall while he let Plagg out. The kwamii noticed the tall teenager and flinched back, glaring at Adrien in surprise as he quickly zoomed back into the boy's bag. "Adrien!" he hissed out, catching (M/n)'s eyes in a small stare down. 

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