Chapter 25: Bet #2; Day One--Fail

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Finals were over, stressful but thankfully it was over and summer came around the corner. (M/n)'s nightmares had came back but they weren't as intense as before. Most of them consisted of sleep paralysis of Tyler watching over him. But it wasn't as bad as the ones before that.

Ever since the discussion between (M/n) and Adrien, the two had thought it would be the for the best if the Bet happened after the finals were over. They were almost done with High school, only the next two semesters after summer break and it would be over.

Snapping out of his thoughts, (M/n) blinked whenever his dream was rudely ended by something heavy on his torso left him breathless. Coughing lightly, the boy squinted, reaching up above him on his headboard, his fingers brushed against his glasses. Before he could grab it, the thing on his chest shifted off of him.

"What the.." (M/n) grunted. Once he pushed the glasses onto his face, he blinked slowly and turned his head to the side on the open space of his bed beside him.

Chat Noir was staring right back at him with a Cheshire grin, the cheeky smile immediately made an awkward tense silence overcome the two teenagers as they looked at each other.

When the taller teen had finally process what was happening, his face contorted from a sleepy daze to a raging glare and gritted teeth as he shoved the boy's face away from him and rolled off the bed. Grabbing his phone in the process, he immediately called the black-haired girl.

Chat groaned in pain, the back of his head had hit the wall and his nose stung from the taller teen shoving his face away.

The feline-like jade hues clashed with disgusted (e/c) irises as the taller of the two raised the phone up to his ear.

"(M/n)?" Marinette's muffled voice echoed in Chat's ears as he moved closer only to have (M/n) shove his face away again with his palm. "Marinette, Chat Noir snuck into my house." the boy's statement made the model gasp loudly.


"You woke up, called me, and then proceeded to tell me that 'The Chat Noir' snuck into your house?" Marinette recited. (M/n) hummed glancing back towards the golden blond who was sulking on his bed with pursed lips.

"Throw some croissants outside the window and watch him chase them." Marinette replied with a audible smirk. (M/n) copied the smirk and glared down at the pouting superhero.

"I still have some left. Thanks for the advice Mari," The (H/c)-haired teen complied. Marinette giggled from the other side of the phone and hung up after saying bye.

Chat Noir looked up at the teenager with puppy eyes, pouting as he turned back into Adrien, Plagg looked at the tired boy zipping over to the tall teen and landing on his head.

"He's pitiful, right?" Plagg comments, (M/n) hummed before turning around and walking out of the room with the kwami napping on his messy hair.

"If you're staying, make sure to make the bed, " (M/n) calls out as he made his way through the small hallway and down the stairs. Adrien gave a grunt in reply, his eyes scanning the soft mattress and white comforters. "He told me he hates the heat but hear he is with a huge weighted blanket." Adrien smugly mutters to himself. 

The golden-blond pursed his lips before getting off the bed and fixing the covers and pillows that he and (M/n) were laying on. He understood the concept of privacy, sure he did, but the bet between them was a fun and easy going one that they agreed that Adrien could do anything he wanted to become friends with the (H/c)-haired teenager. 

Surely, this week of betting would work out like the last bet and them being closer than before. Adrien huffed at his wishful thinking before smoothing his hands over the white sheets and making his way out of the boy's room and down the stairs where (M/n) was resting on the couch while Plagg flicked through the different channels. The blond pursed his lips as he stared at the two being so close to each other. 

They both had similar tastes in shows and they had the same bratty exterior whenever they're tired. The model almost couldn't believe that the two had only met recently and they were already cuddling on the couch like it was a normal thing in their lives. 

{I want to hear your head cannons on (M/n) and Plagg cuddling}

The blond plopped down next to the taller teenager, resting his chin on the boy's shoulder and melting into the boy's cold skin in relief. It hadn't been long since (M/n) had been akumatized as well, only a week at most. But even then, a lot of things changed in just a couple of days of talking and the cold-shoulder treatment. 

(M/n) and Marinette seemed closer as well, which left Adrien in a depressive mood over their close relationship. One that the blond had been wanting to have with the tall deep-voiced teenager since the first day that they made eye-contact. 

Adrien paused when he felt the boy tense at his touch and immediately backed away and making his way over to the kitchen while sighing deeply. 

It's fine, Adrien, you've gotten used to this treatment. Just because he doesn't kick you out of his house, doesn't mean that you can touch him however you like.

The blond thought to himself, his expression was childish and his eyes were giving his Kwami a pointed glare of jealousy as the black cat snuggled closer into the seventeen-year-old's neck and shoulder while chuckling at the tv screen. 

(M/n) glanced over his shoulder, sure, he felt bad for ignoring the blond and after everything he did to help him he couldn't help but feel flustered. He just had his gay awakening over his best friend's crush and is now practically forcing him to hang out at his place under the stupid bet that he made. 

After (M/n) got akumatized, he never realized how important Chat Noir was to him and how betrayed he truly felt when it turned out to be the person he was trying to stay away from this entire time. Adrien's radiant and gives off the warmth of the sun and almost never fails to make people gush over him. (M/n) knew about these feelings and wanted to bury them deeper into some messed up grave of his past self along with it. 

The (h/c)-haired teen came to Paris for an escape of Tyler, his mother, his career, and the painful memories that came with it. But he wasn't expecting the person who gave off his ex-crush's vibe want to be his friend so badly that he took on a different approach of pretending to be someone else. 

"Adrien." (M/n) starts, startling the golden-blond, Adrien whipped his head to look at the boy with hopeful eyes and a bright smile. The seventeen-year-old winced at the brightness before smiling back awkwardly, "Do you want to swing by the bakery later?" his voice rumbled and almost mimicked the deep purr that escaped Plagg's tiny body. 

The blond hopped up and ran over to the couch that the two were resting on and jumped onto the teenager--knocking the breath out of both (M/n) and Plagg. 

Adrien still needed to learn about (M/n)'s boundaries and strength. 

But he was making subtle progress. 

{Heyyyyyy---So i know that some of you guys are probably mad at me for not updating and I'm am very sorry, I'm in my DNF phase right now and I'm making fan art for different fanfics that I've read. But hopefully I'll be able to update soon again if my brain lets me think for a second and if I have time to myself. Thank you for everyone who comments and votes on my chapters, it really does make my day and I'll be making more stories soon for the ML fandom with x Male Readers}

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