Chapter 36: Broken Piano Keys

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DAY SEVEN; BET #2: Broken Piano Keys


Adrien pursed his lips, he was in the middle of a photoshoot. He wanted to spend his day with (M/n) and his friends. Nino had been bugging him about them not being able to hang out recently during their summer break. Of course, Adrien had missed hanging out with the boy but (M/n) seemed more important to him right now.

As harsh as that may seem, but it was true. (M/n)'s feelings for him, the fact that their bet was still ongoing, along with the tension of the 'New Chat Noir' was still going around as well. All of this tension was going to make a mark in their friendship that Adrien didn't want to lose.

Especially after working so hard to get to that point.

His photographer drones out lowly to himself before leaning up and snapping his fingers to get the model's attention.

"Why do you look so sad? Use this time to think about someone you love! Show me some passion--aggression--anything other than that gloomy expression of yours!" he babbled. Adrien fell short on what his mind was whispering to him.

Urging him to think of his family, the only person who came to mind was (M/n)'s stressed and cute faces that he would make if he had messed something up or if he was angry with something.

The golden blond's lips curled up naturally as his rosy cheeks accumulated with a brighter blush.

The flash of a camera knocked him out of his thoughts.

I need to see him.


(M/n) bit his bottom lip in an agony of self-loathing, the (h/c)-haired teen stood to his full height and made his way to walk past the blonde only for the girl to grab ahold of his sleeve to stop him.

"Play it again," she demands, her eyes were round with a thoughtful gaze that made the boy strangely uncomfortable.


"You heard me, play it again." Chloe crossed her arms, her stare burning into the side of (M/n)'s head. The teen felt his body begin to fill with nerves. A nervous chuckle bubbling up his throat but it was cut off by the blonde raising her brow in anticipation, (M/n) forced a small smile before gently removing the girl's hand away from his sleeve.

He went to speak once more but was stopped by Alya making her way in front of him.

"Please play it again! I've never heard someone play the way you did just a second ago," the girl held up her phone, pressing on her camera, and selected the record option with a giddy grin.

The (h/c)-haired pianist swallowed down his nerves and shook his head firmly, a stern expression wiping away the nervous one he had just moments prior. "I'm sorry, but I don't play for anyone other than myself." (M/n)'s shaking hand caught the attention of the speckled teen behind him.

Nino pursed his lips before sighing out and resting his palm on the taller boy's right shoulder.

"Is it because of your hand?" the dark-skinned boy questioned, somewhat rudely, he didn't know another way to word it. He felt (M/n)'s shoulder tense under his hand before it was slapped off briskly by the older teenager.

"No, now stop asking about it," his (e/c)-colored irises darted around the people surrounding him, he felt trapped in the thick atmosphere. Once again, before he could leave the room, his phone rang in his back pocket making him jolt at the sudden feeling. He had forgotten that he had bought a new phone after...demolishing the other one.

Adrien's name accompanied the number and the goofy picture that Marinette had sent him by accident one day. His lips curled up in a minuscule smile before he remembered who he was with and the grin vanished in a split second.

He tugged the phone up to his ear before answering, "What did you do now?" he questioned curtly, his voice deepening slightly. Alya snickered at the sudden change and looked away when the boy shot her a glare.

He could practically hear Adrien grinning as he spoke, "I just finished with my Photo-shoot, I'll be on my way to the classroom soon, are you still at school?" the golden-blond didn't have to wait long for an answer as (M/n) hummed softly, his lips curling up into a noticeable charming smile.

"Great! I'll see you soon," the model was cut off by the line ending, (M/n) tugged his phone away from his ear, his grin being wiped away in an instant.

"Why are you still here? I'm not playing again," (M/n) sneered, internally; the boy was panicking, he hated this type of confrontation, and honestly--he knew that Alya and Nino were skeptical of him. It was obvious that they were, Chloe was the real issue here.

Doesn't she hate me? I mean, who wouldn't---that's not the point!

Nino smiled at the taller teen and patted him again on his shoulder, his left shoulder this time, just barely missing the way the boy winced at the feeling, before shrugging his shoulders.

"I just wanted to make sure that you weren't sketchy," Nino gave a lazy smirk, "I thought you were a complete ass when we first met, to be honest.." Nino scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, eliciting a harsh smack to his arm by the brunette next to him.

(M/n) hummed awkwardly, he didn't know how to react. How would you expect him too?

"Right..." he trailed off, his eyes switching between the couple before landing on Chloe who was staring off towards the black instrument. (M/n)'s internal war was finished after the longing look on the girl's face. He let out a deep sigh before trudging over and sitting down calmly. 

He rested his right hand down onto the keys. 

His eyes closing soon afterward, he ignored the deafening silence as the silk-like sound of the strings bounced off the walls. He was playing the same song--due to Chloe's clear request. But unlike before, it didn't transition into a grim feeling trailing off into a lonely melody. 

"J S Bach Prelude in C Major BWV 846," (M/n) mumbled to himself. 

It's been a while since I've had an audience...

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