Chapter 23: Change in Relationships

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(M/n) scratched the back of his head, he was nervous--well, nervous was an understatement. He was sweating and biting his bottom lip as his knee bounced anxiously and he felt sick to his stomach, and overall he just felt exhausted.

What if someone other than Adrien and Marinette knew that he was the one that destroyed the city? What if Adrien hated him now that he's just some kind of monster?

(M/n) bit his nails as his leg bounced faster and his eyes screwed shut in thought.

The (H/c)-haired tall teen was seated on a park bench, waiting for the golden-blond to arrive. After exchanging numbers through Marinette, (M/n) had grown confident enough to text the model and ask him to meet him in the park near the bakery. Thankfully, his composure lasted for 20 whole minutes after that before it drained his ability to think clearly and he began to double-check their back and forth messages for his errors.

That confidence turned into a disturbing anxious glob of perceptions, which brings us back to the present.

Right as the tall teen was about to stand up, a cold hand touched his shoulder. Gasping out as if he'd seen a ghost, (M/n) force up and waited for the 'ghost' to eat him. 

"(M-(M/n)?" Marinette's stifled laughter and the cold feeling of her hand leaving his shoulder made the taller teen slowly turn around to face the girl with a terrified expression. That's what got her. 


"It wasn't funny, Mari." (M/n) groaned, he was walking around the park with the black-haired girl, still waiting for the golden-haired model to show his face, even though the (h/c)-haired teen hadn't texted him in a while, the still waited some-what patiently. 

Marinette who held her sides in pain from laughing, snorted and patted the boy on his lower back, "come on, it's not like you thought it was a ghost, right?" Marinette took a second to catch her breath as she looked up at the taller seventeen-year-old. The (h/c)-haired teen thinned out his lips and turned away from the younger girl's gaze as sweat trickled down his cheek slowly. 

Marinette stared at him blankly, switching to his left side, watching as the boy still avoid her experimental round eyes. 

She covered her mouth to muffle the not-so-quiet bubbling laughter resonating in her throat. 

(M/n) whipped his head around to face the girl, his face red as he glared at her(in a playful way), "Stop!!" he whined. His raspy voice made some of the women in the park turn to look at him before they turned back around and went on with their day. 

(M/n) stuttered over his words and he tried to finish his sentence but it was proven futile as the black-haired girl continued to laugh at him. Off in the distance, (M/n) caught something in his peripheral vision, turning back around, he made eye-contact with Adrien's photographer. Hearing the camera shutter button go off and the slight flash, (M/n) froze up completely, his heart hammering inside his ribcage as he quickly turned back around. 

Marinette had heard the shutter button and went over to the photographer to deal with the issue. 

What's he going to do with the picture? Is he going to post it somewhere? Give it to Adrien's Father? Is he going to talk to me? I hate it when people talk to me---

(M/n)'s rushing thoughts were interrupted by Marinette calling him over to greet the talented man. 

He was skinny and had a funny-looking mustache that threatened (M/n) to laugh at it, the (h/c)-haired teen shook his head to get rid of the tempting action as he slowly made his way over to the two. The taller teen stood behind the black-haired girl, waiting for what the man had to say. 

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