Chapter 9: "Agrestesive" Friendship

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{I want to give a special thanks to @-SinfullyKimchi and @EnzoMontanari for always commenting on this story and giving me more confidence to keep this slow burn fanfic up! I'm not really great at writing but I try my best these two have been helping me! So thank you!}

(M/n) stared at the two with his mouth gaped before he glared at the golden-blond in confusion. 

"Who are you two?" he questioned hoarsely, he didn't like yelling since it messed up his voice most of the time. Ladybug and Chat whipped their heads around to face the teenager in surprise, gasping once another ground-shuddering roar shook them out of their shock. Chat shook his head and turned to Ladybug.

"My Lady, we have to get this Akuma first." he states seriously, his eyes flickered between the black-haired girl and the (h/c)-haired teen still crouched low to the ground. He noticed the bleeding wound, thankfully (M/n) didn't seem to be in any pain and the amount of blood wasn't alarming. It must've just been a small scrape. 

"Go and find some shelter and stay away from the Bakery until then." Ladybug advised. 

Chat Noir leaned down towards the injured teen as he smirked once more. 

"We'll talk more later~," he winked. (M/n) flinched back in retaliation. 


The fight went smoothly, if you count the amount of times that Chat had been thrown off the back of the giant rock monster's back. But other than that, they had defeated the Akuma once again and Paris was safe for the time being. 

(M/n) was waiting close to the Bakery for Marinette, getting a message from the black-haired girl after the attack. 

As the boy was waiting he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Turning around to face the clad hero, (M/n)'s eyes widened slightly as he bowed his head slightly as a greeted. 

"Cat boy--"

"It's not cat boy!!" Chat interrupted blushing in embarrassment. (M/n) hummed, his wound was healed by Ladybug's restoring Miraculous Lucky Charm after the Akuma was defeated. Chat took notice and smiled as he leaned on the boy's right shoulder his face near the taller teen's. (M/n) scrunched his nose at the unwanted affection as he gently pushed his face away. 

"I told you that we would talk later, right? Do you have time?" Chat questioned. (M/n) glanced at him and the time, keeping his mouth shut as he thought back to when Adrien saved him. The memory was random and unavoidable as his concern overpowered his Anxiety. 

"I have to c-check..check up on Marinette and her family first..." (M/n) muttered, Chat pursed his lips in a soft playful pout before smirking. He backed away, walking ahead of the boy slightly and flexing. 

"I mean I guess I understand, but who wouldn't want to hang out with me, the Amazing Chat Noir~," the cat-themed hero boasted

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"I mean I guess I understand, but who wouldn't want to hang out with me, the Amazing Chat Noir~," the cat-themed hero boasted. (M/n)'s nervous expression was wiped from his face once the hero began to boast his ego. Marinette came out from around the corner, her eyes searching the Bakery for any damage and her parents who were waiting inside for her. 

She waved softly and turned her attention to Chat Noir and the taller teenager behind him. 

"(M/n)!" Marinette calls out, smiling widely as she run over to them. 

(M/n) reacted his name and perked up, jogging over to meet her as they hugged. Chat smiled at their embrace, crossing his arms. But then he noticed it. (M/n)'s left arm was completely limp at his side, not even moving it to hug Marinette back as they caught up and made sure that they were both okay before separating. 

"Hey--" Before Chat could ask about it, he was bombarded with the Reporters that swarmed the Bakery. 

"Chat Noir, are you aware of your reputation? How are you going to try and redeem yourself?" One of the pushy reporters asked bluntly, Chat's eyebrows knitted together as his mask followed with it. "What--"

"Are you and Ladybug in a relationship?"

"How do you intend to fight Akuma's if you have such a destructive power?" 

Before they could ask anymore questions, (M/n) stormed up behind one of the many journalists verbally attacking the cat-themed hero. His tall lanky frame was intimidating as he glared down at them. 

"Stop." he muttered darkly. Marinette was right by his side as she smiled at the hero reassuringly as he smiled back meekly. The two boys made eye contact, both looking away as Chat's Miraculous beeped. 

"Wonderful timing!" Chat smirked widely, saluting before using his baton to launch himself away into the distance. The cloudy skies began to cry as rain dripped onto the Expensive camera equipment. Thankfully, the Journalists and Reporters without much struggle to get them to leave them alone. The two bakers were left in silence and the cool rain to drip down their clothes, seeking shelter in the bakery they made their way up the stairs to living room.

"Are you staying over for dinner?" Marinette questioned, she knew that it took (M/n) a lot of courage to even approach those pesky writers. Shakily sighing out the taller (h/c)-haired teen shook his head and gave the girl a hesitant minuscule smile. She sighed gently and ruffled his hair before waving and grabbing a spare umbrella from the front door and handing it over. 

"Thanks...for the offer.." (M/n) muttered. 

Marinette huffed and gave him a lopsided smile with a small shake of her head. 

"Be careful on your way back~," Marinette playfully waved. 

And then he left her alone in the living room. Bringing the sweet smell of rain and lavender with him.


A Few days had passed after that, now it was Tuesday and a bright and blissful evening in class. (M/n) had still frayed away from the others in his class other than when Rose would approach him. But because of his quiet nature, Juleka had gotten more used to him and they would often hang out whenever Rose would come over to his seat and bother him. 

Marinette was proud to see him getting along with the others in his class. Chloe had bothered him again after what had happened on Friday, although the small snarky comments between the two would leave the classroom in a fit of laughter. 

Adrien on the other hand was a different story. 

Much like now---

"COme on! We gotta be friends now!" Adrien pouted, (M/n) quietly huffed and continued to munch on the lunch that Marinette had packed him the night before. His shifts had gotten more frequent and his bad habit of not eating was catching up on him. The boy was seated behind the school in between two vending machines. 

"No, we're not." 

(M/n) had gotten used to Adrien's persistent advances of aggressive friendship. And he grew used to his presence the most other than Marinette, although, no one had heard him laugh yet. 

"But-but I saved you! Remember?" Adrien crouched down beside the (H/c)-haired teen only for him to be ignored yet again as the taller teenager stood to his feet, not using his left arm to balance himself. 

Adrien gaped and stood to his feet once more, following after him like an overly affectionate kitten. The thought made (M/n) chuckle, the soft laughter almost felt foreign to him. 

And once again the thought came back to him, Maybe he isn't as bad as I thought he was.

{I hope you guys liked this chapter! Let me know what I should add in the next one!!}

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