Chapter 5: Cloudy Skies

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(M/n) wandered the hallways of the school he was recommended to go to by his Mother, thankfully, Marinette got the message of him leaving that morning to not bother him for a while until he got used to it. Having people around him again, I mean. Alya and Nino seemed like a good bunch to trust. Adrien, however, wasn't looking so innocent to him. 

He had this teasing side to him that (M/n) noticed right away and he was quite oblivious to the obvious affection that everyone was showering him with, especially Marinette. If he did notice, than he was doing a good job of pretending. 

(M/n) hated people like that. But he didn't hate Adrien. 

The blond must of had a reason to ignore the girl's feelings if he had realized. While the boy was lost in his thoughts he felt something slam into his back, throwing him off balance and the thing that had hit him. Tripping over his feet, he crumbled to the ground, his books clattering and scattering across the marble floors. His glasses slipped off his face and he groaned irritated. 

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm really sorry! Here let me help you!" The innocent sweet voice of a girl from his first block echoed in his ears. Sighing deeply, he sat up slowly, hissing at the pain in his shoulder before squinting at the girl who toppled off of him clumsily. 

"Who...?" Before he could ask more the girl had already gathered all of his things together and slipped them into his messenger bag and handed him his bulky-rimmed glasses. (M/n) took his glasses back and looked down at the girl in front of him. 

Her short blonde hair reminded him of daises and her round sapphire blue eyes made her appearance much more pure-looking and innocent. 

(M/n) bowed his head slightly, Rose smiled and got up from the floor, extending her hand to help the much taller boy up as well. Rose was around the same height as Marinette now that (M/n) was fully looking at her through his messy bangs. 

"You're (M/n), right?" Rose asked blissfully unaware of (M/n)'s Left arm as she tightly held it with her hands, pulling the boy up to his feet. (M/n) ignored the harsh Lava-hot pain that seared through his wrist to his bicep before it settled in his shoulder blade. The light blonde-haired sixteen year-old waited for the boy's response patiently, bouncing on the balls of her feet. Her Pink shirt stuck close to her skin and the white pants she wore were slightly dirty on her thighs and knees. 

With her leggings, she wore a bright hot pink ruffled skirt to match her innocent princess theme. 

(M/n) gently pulled his arm away from the girl's hold and meekly nodded. 

"...Yeah." he answered, his voice deep and raspy. Rose's eyes widened at the sound of his voice and she squealed, startling him. 

"Your voice is so deep!! I bet Kim is jealous!" Rose commented making the (h/c)-haired teen chuckle. She reminded him of the kid that he had met in the park yesterday. 

"Thanks..." (M/n) muttered, Rose hummed and jumped up and down on her toes as she glanced over her shoulder to see Juleka, her best friend, running up to them panting softly. 

"Rose! You can't just...just run off like that---" The black-haired girl noticed the much taller boy beside her best friend making her falter back and blush out of embarrassment. (M/n) noticed and bowed his head slightly before turning to Rose with a generous smile. Those smiles are rare these days. 

"Thanks for helping me, Rose..I'll help you next time." (M/n) whispered. Rose perked up and nodded, skipping over to her shy friend and wrapping her arms around her slim body. (M/n)'s smile dropped as he turned away from the two girls and clutched his left arm close to his chest as he bit his injured bottom lip to distract him from the overbearing pain in his shoulder blade and bicep. 

He stumbled into his next class only for someone to bump into his chest, looking down, he noticed that it was only Marinette. The black-haired girl noticed his pained expression--immediate worry flashing through her eyes. (M/n) side-stepped and made his way to his seat. Lunch would be coming up soon and he was just thinking of spending it in a bathroom stall on his phone. 

"..I'm tired.." (M/n) muttered under his breath, the bittersweet feeling of his stomach craving for food made him tuck his face into his arms. 

Marinette made her way up to his seat, he was seated next to Nathaniel in the very back of the large classroom. 

"Hey, (M/n)," Marinette's sweet voice made the (h/c)-haired teenager look up from his arms, his glasses slipping down his nose slightly. He hummed, the sound vibrating throughout his chest. The black-haired girl smiled and reached into her backpack for the brown paper bag filled with the extra lunch she had packed for him. 

"I packed you a lunch last night," she smiled softly at the expression that stretched over the boy's face. 

"...W-Why?" he stuttered, blushing bashfully as he took ahold of the bag. 

Adrien walked into the classroom with Nino, noticing the conversation going on between the two bakers. Nino turned to the golden-blond moving his eyes from the blond to where the model was staring. His eyes settled on the lanky frame of the new student that Marinette had told him about during their first class. 

"His name is...(M--" Nino took a second to ponder what he remembered the black-haired girl telling him over the week that the boy had started working at the bakery. 

"(M/n)! Right?" Chloe's sugarcoated voice cut through the air like sharp knives as the teenagers in the classroom turned their attention to the four in the back. The Blonde-haired girl was accompanied by her closest friend, Sabrina. 

Nathaniel was in his own little world, scooting away from the (h/c)-haired boy to avoid getting caught in the mess that was about to happen. 

{Hope you enjoyed it! Let me know how (M/n) should handle this blossoming situation of Chloe and Sabrina!}

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