Chapter 40: Few Days to Confess

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DAY TEN; BET #2: Few Days to Confess


(M/n) held his face in his hands, guilt lacing his expression as both Luka and Juleka patted his back reassuringly. Luka sent a concerned gaze towards his sister to which the girl only shrugged. They had finished up the measurements earlier that morning--thankfully--however, there was a suffocating tension between him and Adrien.

The blond had called off the rest of the lessons, claiming that (M/n) already knew the piece so he didn't need his help anymore--it confused (M/n).

He suspected that Adrien had known for a while but the model had never said anything about it--why? (M/n) wanted to ask but the words never made it past his throat. The tall teen stood to his feet before plopping back down with a groan.

Luka cleared his throat, catching the teen's attention, "Are you do I say this---Love troubles?" the question made (M/n) freeze instantly as he tensed up, his face exploding in a bright red blush.

Juleka tensed, oh no...the girl tugged her hand away from the boy's shoulder as she covered her mouth in worry. She didn't want to see Rose akumatized due to another boy. Her nerves began to calm as she breathed in and out slowly. I don't want to jump to conclusions.

"N-No, I'm not--I have to preform in four days and my tutor doesn't want to give me lessons anymore--for some reason--I don't know if it was my fault or if it was both of our faults..but I don't want to stop...I don't.." (M/n) trailed off, standing to his feet once more as he ran his hand through his hair in distress.

"(M/n)," Luka muttered hesitantly, he wanted to give his opinion but he didn't even know who (M/n) was talking about, the blue-haired teen let out a small grin as he gestured for the seventeen-year-old to sit down again. (M/n) frowned but shook his head and paced back and forth. The three were at the park--thankfully Adrien didn't have a photo shoot today.

(M/n) gnawed on his bottom lip stressed and confused.

"I'm sorry--but I don't need to sit for this, it stresses me out even more--..." (M/n) paused abruptly, confusing the two siblings behind him as they focused on what the teen was staring at. His eyes watered with remembrance, nostalgia wafting through his body in waves. His lips parted as he quietly made his way over to the stationed piano near the water fountain.

His left arm burned as he adjusted the seat, Luka and Juleka followed after him curious.

Alya had told her about how the boy played in music room by himself before (M/n) was chosen for the role. She felt as though her heart would jump out of her chest due to the anticipation.

Luka stayed silent, taking a seat beside the boy as he tuned the right side of the keys, the lighter touch to the keys made it sound feathery and sadder. (M/n) let out a breath he didn't know he was holding before closing his eyes and letting both hands rest on the keys.


Adrien rubbed his eyes in frustration before crossing his arms and leaning back in his desk chair. He was in his room for the day--he hadn't said a word to (M/n) today or even transformed into Chat Noir to talk to him as if they were strangers again. The blond groaned and massaged his temple, leaning back up and scrolling through the Lady-blog that Alya had posted a few years ago.

There was barely any activity with Hawkmoth and Akuma's since the one time that he gave (M/n) his miraculous to save him. Adrien yelled as he threw his arms up and over his head, "Stop thinking about him!! Think of Ladybug!" he cried out in desperation.

Plagg sent the boy a glare for disrupting his afternoon nap but the glare softened soon after once he noticed the boy's distress.

"You okay kid?" Plagg asked, his tone softer than it usually was. The change didn't bother Adrien as he shook his head. "I..I don't know what to do anymore--or who to like anymore, Plagg, I don't get it." The model lamented, he was genuinely confused.

Ladybug was practically his lifelong crush until that moment Adrien shared with (M/n) in the car. The hand-holding--the almost kisses that were always interrupted--he had already told the boy that they both weren't ready for a relationship. This wasn't fair for either of them.

"Am I doing the right thing?" Adrien's question was left unanswered as a video played on his computer from the Lady-blog.

"Who is the 'New Chat Noir'?" Adrien shut down the tab immediately, he didn't want to see or even hear about (M/n)--but at the same time he yearned to see him and to hold him so badly that it was almost painful. The blond turned to his kwami who was staring at him pitifully.

"I don't know what to do.."

It broke Plagg's heart to see Adrien so confused, honestly, he wished that the boy would pick (M/n). The boy need him just as much as the Pianist yearned for him. Tyler might've been the first person he liked, but it was obvious that (M/n) moved on. He just wished that Adrien could see what he saw.

"Adrien..." Plagg muttered out, his eyes shutting in contemplation, "What does your heart want?" he questions seriously, Adrien flinched at the tone as he sat up rigidly and glanced away from the fairy.


"What does it want?" the fairy repeats.

Adrien stayed silent.

Plagg sighed and crossed his small arms, "Let me rephrase this--you already know what it wants, Don't you?" the black cat smirked when Adrien blushed as he pursed his lips with a slight nod.

"Then you don't need to worry..right?" Plagg let out a small laugh as he flew around the boy's head with joy.

It wasn't much but the thought that circled through Adrien's head made him smile.

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