Chapter 51: Before the Day is Over...

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(M/n) stared up at the ceiling tiredly, the IV attached to his arm sat uncomfortably in his skin by a thin piece of medical tape. Glancing out the window near his bed, he heard the honking cars of the busy 5 o' clock traffic and the steady beep of the monitor in the background. He graduated alongside his classmates, a few Akuma's that stood in their way, but they prevailed. He took up tutoring immediately for teaching music. He liked the way his life was flowing. He and Adrien only grew closer, he and Plagg were best friends by the time he and Adrien moved into an apartment best suited for the two of them.

(M/n)'s mother sold the old house, and it was bought by an unknown buyer. The pianist was not too worried about it. He was happy to be so close to his family after so long in that darkness away from them.

The door to his hospital room opened slowly with a soft knock and the muddled voice of his lover.

Adrien poked his head in and grinned at the (h/c)-haired adult that rested on the bed lazily.

"Made yourself at home already?" he asked snarky, but his voice was gentle and warm. The patient rolled his eyes and leaned back against the pillows; Adrien walked into the room fully and closed the door behind him.

"How do you feel?" He inquired, coming to sit down beside the bed.

(M/n) shrugged hazily and lulled his head to look at the blond, "Better than when the accident happened..." he says simply and drained. He glanced down at the blunt limb that was nothing more than a stump from the amputation. His procedure was a shoulder disarticulation; it was already hard enough to use the full range of muscle in his back connecting to his left arm so this was best he could do with the lingering pain. It was already his last day of his hospital stay and he was ready to be home away from the harsh smelling chemicals.

Adrien smiled endearingly at him and ran his fingers through his slightly greasy hair. That was another thing was ready for, a hot shower and the pampering that he was going to be showered with. Adrien leaned over and pecked his forehead as the taller young adult hummed at the feeling of his warm lips.

"You ready to go home?" the model hums, (M/n) nodded mutely and leaned against the Blond's shoulder.

"Let's get you ready then..." Adrien pulled away from the day-old touched starved adult as the pianist whined. 


The paperwork didn't take too long to get approved and as they left with the pianist in a wheelchair and Adrien behind him escorting the musician to the car, they were stopped by Marinette and the others. They had balloons and cards piled up in their hands and jacket-covered arms. The temperature had started to drop after graduation, Autumn began to turn into early winter. 

(M/n) shivered and cuddled into the blanket resting on his shoulders and lap a bit more as Adrien mingled with their friend group. Marinette smiled softly at him, and the taller adult smiled back; offering up his right arm as a meek gesture to come closer. 

"Hey dork," the pianist mumbled, Marinette rolled her eyes and slapped the boy lightly on the shoulder. 

"Hey loser," she grinned. 

"You look good, the 80% of you." She teased, (M/n) huffed and patted the sutured nub gently, "It's like it was never gone in the first place." 

"Yeah, right." Marinette laughed, "Mama and papa are wanting to come visit you soon, see how you're doing and all that jazz." She shrugs, "They're happy that you made the decision, they want you to be happy." She cast a sly glance toward Adrien who was packing away the gifts from Alya and Nino into the car.

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