Chapter 46: We've come this far..

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(M/n) couldn't keep his eyes off Adrien during the performance

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(M/n) couldn't keep his eyes off Adrien during the performance. He couldn't help himself--and if he could, he didn't have the strength to.

The young knight shifted his attention to the piano, his tired legs dragging him towards it. The keys themselves were a pretty creme color and the black slats and sharps were shiny from the bright purple stage-lights. (M/n) wondered if anyone else had played this piano.

He quietly sat down on the small seat, his hands resting on the keys. The chattering of his classmates paused abruptly when he began to play. The music was slow and enchantingly somber, the Knight never speaking as he continued to play. The keys created a dull hollow sound that mixed with the melody of the song.

One by one, the boys and girls began to join hands with their partners--all except Chloe, the main princess lead. Adrien kept his promise, dancing with Marinette who was a commoner invited due to her unique power to create anything with a touch of her finger.

Chloe stood confused in the center of the stage as her classmates danced around her together with the slow melody of the melancholy piano. The quiet tapping of metallic boots knocked the girl out of her senses as she glanced up at the silent knight who had been playing moments prior.

The song continued, a deeper sound coming from the strings as the knight offered his hand to the blonde princess.

"May I have this dance?" He questions, the knight slipped his helmet off, exposing his gelled back hair and (e/c)-colored irises that focused on nothing but her.

The Princess smiled and nodded, reaching her hand out toward the knight's gloved one.

"You may," she answers back softly.


The play was a success, the people who had come early to the festival clapped as the cast bowed on stage. (M/n)'s eyes held nothing but fear as he stumbled off the platform, he needed to get out of these clothes. It was hot and he was starting to feel claustrophobic in the tight material.

He could see Marinette next to Adrien near the stage equipment, talking and laughing together. His heart clenched, it wasn't as though Adrien excepted the girl's confession, right?

The (h/c)-haired teen pursed his lips, running a hand down his face as he shuffled away from his classmates and to the tent where his clothes were. Once he had changed, (M/n) was greeted by Rose and Juleka.

"Hey! We're gonna check out the stands, do you wanna come with us?" Rose chirped. (M/n) found it hard to reject her. Sucking in a deep inhale, he forced a smile as he lightly shook his head.

"I wanted to get back home, I'm pretty sure I forgot something there.." he lies swiftly. (M/n) gestured off toward the direction of his house, giving another smile before turning around and beginning to walk away. Rose pouted but hummed.

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