Chapter 42: Strangers

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DAY ELEVEN; BET #2: Strangers


(M/n) droned out the voices around him as he stirred in his sleep, he hadn't moved from his spot under the window and didn't have any plans to until he felt someone's fingers run through his tousled (h/c)-colored strands. His eyebrows twitched, seemingly catching the attention of the person playing with his hair, relaxing his expression once again--he let the person resume.

Their hands were cold and precise, dainty, and slim fingers massaged his scalp. This isn't the way Marinette plays with my hair, (M/n) slowly began to open his eyes, his hand reaching up to grab ahold of the small wrist of the brunette he had met with a couple of days ago.

"Abby.." his English was a bit rusty but the now named girl, Abby, smiled in return.

"Your voice is deeper, (M/n). I barely recognized you." Abby let the boy sit up from her lap, he wondered how long she had been playing with his hair but pushed the thought aside and let go of her wrist.

"Why are you here?" (M/n) asks bluntly, his tone made the brunette let out an airy chuckle in response.

"I'm leaving after the Festival, my mom told me it was better to move on in a different place rather than one that gives you memories of lost ones." Abby, short for Abigail, hummed with a tense smile.

She got up from the ground, making (M/n) copy her and stand to his full height.

Tyler and (M/n) always made fun of how short she was. The taller of the two shook his head to clear his thoughts, he moved on from Tyler.

Abby patted his shoulder lightly, her cold fingers made the boy shiver but he ignored the feeling soon after. The brunette gave him a sad smile before making her way over to the Piano and patting the spot beside her.

"Can I ask you something--" she paused, "It's more of a request, actually," her round blue irises watered but she kept the tears from falling with a slight grin.

(M/n) sat down beside her and gave the girl his full attention.

"Can you play me a song?" Abby croaked, choking back a sob as she wiped her eyes. (M/n) hummed and opened the casing of the keys before sitting closer to the girl, holding her hand with his shaky left palm and trembling fingers.

Abby leaned on him and closed her eyes as (M/n) placed his right hand down on the keys.

With a single tear sliding down his cheek he pressed down.


The practice was short and easy after (M/n) came back, he had sent the girl off from the front doors before making his way back inside and to the theater. Adrien had left not too long after he had gotten back inside.

(M/n) played with his fingers, sulking that Adrien had to leave--despite avoiding him. Ever since there almost kiss, Adrien tried to not be in the same room with him for too long.

(M/n) felt awful just thinking about it.

His thoughts were interrupted by Marinette calling out to him.

"(M/n)! I'm heading to the bakery, do you want to come with me?" the mopy teenager let out a tired groan before nodding, getting up from the step he was sitting on. He leaned on the girl as they walked out of the school together.

A familiar voice called out to the two hungry teens, (M/n) suppressed a frustrated snarl as he whipped his head to the side only to see Luka.

"Are you guys heading to the Bakery? I heard it's the best in town," he hums, Marinette blushed and nodded, "It's my Parent's store, we were just going to run in and come back--do you want to come with us?" the black-haired girl smiled wider.

(M/n) frowned slightly at the sudden shift in her attitude.

Luka brushed it off as nothing before sighing out in bliss, "That would be great! Thanks--I'll go get Juleka and Rose. All of us can go get something to eat." He gestured to the two girls by the entrance, they were conversing among-st themselves. They seemed to be in deep thought which made (M/n) purse his lips.

He hasn't been able to hang out with the two since yesterday. And with Rose, it's been two days. Of course, he understands if they don't want to hang out with him constantly, but he felt lonely without Adrien there to keep him company in the morning.

Just thinking about the model and hero in disguise, he recoiled and slipped away from Marinette's gentle hold on his right arm.

"(M/n)..?" Marinette murmured, her gaze flickering up to the teen curiously as the boy pawed at his stomach with his palms. He didn't have an appetite for something--rather with anything food-related. He sighed out and fished out his phone, sending a text to Adrien, he turned to Marinette and leaned down to give her a light kiss on the cheek.

"I have something I need to do--thank you for the offer--it was nice seeing you, Luka," (M/n) frantically waved them goodbye and jogged off in the direction of the park.

Marinette held her cheek, feeling even more confused as her gaze flickered up to Luka who seemed just as puzzled.


Adrien paced around his room anxiously nibbling at his fingernails. Plagg seemed almost too used to seeing the blond in an internal crisis.

"What do you think he means by this Plagg?!" Adrien stormed up to the kwami, shoving his phone in the fairy's face as he glared at the ground. "Meet me at the Eifel tower at 11:30? He wants you to meet him at the Eifel Tower at 11:30---" Plagg was interrupted by Adrien letting out a loud frustrated--and slightly strained--groan as he tossed his phone onto the bed lightly.

He paced harder before crumbling to the ground, his warm back twitching at the cold hardwood.

"I...I don't want to--I just concluded my feelings and now I have to face him like an ass? This--this..this is too much, Plagg. I didn't think I would like him this much..." Adrien covered his face with his hands before letting them fall to the side of his head.

"I want to see him but at the same time I feel like I'll do something stupid and ruin everything." the golden-blond turned over onto his side. Plagg flew over to his head and patted it gently (gently meaning he slammed his tail against the poor boy's head).

"Ow! Cut that out--"

"Listen, Adrien, there has to be a reason why (M/n) invited you out--I mean, this means he wants to see you--to talk to you, isn't that a good thing?" Plagg questioned, his voice seemingly sincere rather than the sarcastic tone he usually passed with when he argued with Adrien.

The blond sighed out and laid on his backbone more, his eyes flickered to clock he had posted to his wall above the TV. It was already 8:40, which gave him some time to prepare until he met with (M/n).

"Alright..Plagg--Claws out!"

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