Chapter 47: Maybe

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(M/n) held Adrien in his arms, his eyes screwed shut. He prayed that this wasn't a dream, if it was--that would be too cruel.

(M/n) felt warm, his cheeks were flushed, his chest was swarmed with fluttering butterflies and the feeling forming in the pit of his stomach made him feel weightless. Adrien could say the same, he felt as though he were floating on cloud nine. Adrenaline pumped through their veins, hearts pounding as they held each other securely.

The two kept still on the sofa, unwavering warmth passing between them as they huddled closer to one another.

"I love you," (M/n) whispers, Adrien's cheeks burning, "I love you...I love you," the pianist continued to repeat to himself. His arms tightened around the blond as he mumbled into his shoulder. Adrien pulled away, his blush a fiery red.

"I love you need to say it so much.." Adrien covered the boy's mouth, propping himself up on the boy's thighs. (M/n) sighed out, gently gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he rested his hand on Adrien's cheek, his thumb caressing the skin underneath the teen's eye.

"Thank you..." (M/n) huskily whispers, his lips curling up into a small smile. He could feel his heart pounding--or it could've been Adrien's, but at this point, he didn't really care. He was just happy that Adrien was finally his, without any guilt, without any undertones, just his and his alone.

Their eyes met in a quiet daze as Adrien leaned into the Pianist's hand, a warm smile welcoming the taller teen.

"Can.." (M/n) starts with a low whisper, "can I kiss you?" his fringe shifting in front of his eyes. Adrien's body repressed a shiver as he hummed, gently brushing the strands out of the way as (M/n) docilely moved his hand back down to Adrien's hip as he shifted his sitting position.

(M/n) rested his back against the seat cushion, laying down and getting comfortable before puckering his lips u attractively--forcing a snort from the blond who covered his mouth to contain his giggles.

"Stop that, haha," Adrien's smile crinkled with his nose as (M/n) gazed up at the blond with a minuscule grin that Adrien noticed. Letting out another sigh, the blond leaned down, their lips inches away from touching. Before they could kiss, the doorbell echoed in their ears. Startling (M/n) enough to force him up from his spot.

Their foreheads crashed into each other, yanking them from their trance.

(M/n) let out a hiss before grabbing at his forehead. His head whipped to the door as he stood up abruptly, storming up to the door with a deep pout and watery eyes before looking through the eyehole.

Adrien let out a relieved sigh as he held his chest, his heart drummed against his ribcage, panting lightly at the pressure--the Golden blond closed his eyes and tried to regulate his breathing back to normal.

The golden blond stood slowly to his feet, tiptoeing up the stairs as (M/n) answered the door.

I need to get out of these clothes...I'm burning up, Adrien shuffled awkwardly toward the taller teen's room, hoping that he had left some of his clothes here from some of their old lessons.

The model sighed, unbuttoning his blazer and shirt, slipping off his pants, and stealing a pair of sweatpants before snatching up his costume and placing them into the clothes hamper.

(M/n)'s sweater swayed as he pulled it on over his head, his arms slipping through the sleeves. He turned to the vanity mirror that rested on (M/n)'s dresser, checking how he looked--the sweater was large, resting at the top of his thighs, and the sweatpants he wore needed to be rolled up a little at the ends, but other than that--the clothes practically devoured him.

Smiling at his reflection, he pivoted on his feet before making his way back down the stairs. He paused at the sound of chatter from the living room.

"I...I was thinking about it, and I need to see if Adrien would be okay with it--if I were to live here permanently.." (M/n)'s husky and nervous voice made Adrien's heart lurch in his chest.

"I want to stay with him..." (M/n) whispered, reaching his right hand out for the woman in front of him. (M/n)'s mother, Elizabeth, sighed out deeply, holding her son's hand as if it meant the world to her.

"When you were never, and I mean never, asked anything from us. You kept your grades higher than everyone else's, and you played the Piano despite everyone else's thoughts. You were my little champion, my winning musical man who did everything I asked of him. But I think it's time to listen to yourself too, and if you want to stay with him, then you can." Elizabeth sniffled, "Even on the way here, when you first arrived, you never called or texted--but I understood why."

"Stay, stay here and love it here." Elizabeth caressed his knuckles, thinning her lips to hold back her tears, (M/n) wiped his eyes and nodded, smiling genuinely. (M/n) let out a held breath before reaching out his left arm, the silent wince speaking for him as he held his Mother's hands dearly, the calloused fingertips and the warmth of his palms forced a few tears to slip down her cheeks.

"I'm still adamant about not taking up the surgery...but maybe, there's a Maybe." (M/n) whispered, his voice breaking near the end. Clearing his throat, he stood to his feet, guiding his mother up with him.

"おかあさん..." (M/n) starts, his mouth parting then closing right after, "When I first got here, I wanted to end it all, I wanted to get away from music--to get away from you and おとうさん.." Elizabeth's breath hitched.

Her and Adrien's hearts sank, so it wasn't just me he avoided, Adrien thought to himself, I was the one making things worse for him...

"But then, a boy came into my life--one that reminded me so much of Tyler that I lost all reasoning and started to avoid him and hurt him. Just as Tyler did to me because I thought it was easier to just run away from my problems." (M/n) managed to squeeze out, his lungs tightening--he felt like throwing up, his hands were starting to get clammy and his left arm burned more than it ever has.

It felt nice to let it all out onto the surface--but at the same time, he felt as though he was crumbling.

"But that boy changed me. And with the help of all my friends that I made, I was able to get over the nervousness I felt when I was playing the Piano," (M/n) let another smile slip into his face, "He's the best thing that has ever happened to me--I like him a lot, but at the same time--I think it's best to let go of the old scars."

Elizabeth tightened her hold when she felt (M/n)'s slip from her grip, her baby was growing up from that little innocent 15-year-old she saw fumble with the dear piano keys she taught him how to play. She couldn't bear to let it go.

"So..just maybe, I'll get the surgery, maybe." (M/n) let his left arm fall to his side, "Plus, it's nice to get a good change of pace..."

Adrien sat numbly on the stairs, his eyes watering as he listened in on the small sniffles and love shared between the two. The change was a good pace starter, and now he felt as if the (M/n) was finally on his hold and was slipping away from him again.

And just maybe, he was okay with that.

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