Chapter 11: Eventually

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(M/n) yawned tiredly, lazily laying on his large bed. His room was plain and the only thing that was colorful was the plants in large terracotta pots and the small succulent plants stationed on his bookshelf. His bed sheets and comforters were an off white with small pots of pastel blue-like flannel patterns on some of the puffy boxes of his thick blanket. 

Of course, the heat never made it into his room due to the large ceiling fan always being on. It was finally the weekend. And a tiring weekend. Adrien was a persistent and stubborn kid that wanted everyone to get along even while keeping his own life(what was left of his private life) a secret. 

He was just too..too Bright, for (M/n). Hearing a soft scratch at his window(his bedroom was on the lower floor) he sat up from his comfy bed and dragged his body over to the window pane, opening his blinds his lazy expression quickly shifted into a soft smile as he opened the window. 

The soft white and black cat jumping inside. 

"Hey," (M/n) greeted gently, reaching out his right hand slowly, the white cat leaned in meowing gracelessly while (M/n) scratched behind their ears. 

The black cat quickly grew jealous, prancing over and barking out a hoarse meow and licking (M/n)'s scarred over left hand. The peaceful silence was overcome by loud purring and persistent meowing. Before the tall lanky teen could  open his mouth to laugh, his phone went off by his bed. 

Sighing deeply, he stopped petting the two feline animals and grabbed ahold of his phone. 

"Hello..?" he muttered loud enough for the caller to hear. 

"(M/n)! Papa and Mama wants me to go grocery shopping for the huge bake sale tomorrow, can you drop by and come with me, I'll need your help and Alya wasn't available. We could totally go for some ice cream later--"

"I'll go," (M/n) voiced immediately. He may not look it, but he loves sweets. That was also one of the reasons he wanted to work at the Bakery once he heard that they were hiring part-timers. 

Marinette giggled from the other side of the phone and hummed cheerfully, less frantic now that he had agreed. 

"Thank you! Ice cream will be my treat!" Marinette had (M/n) sold. 

"Nice...I'll get ready now," with a few goodbyes and hesitant hang ups, (M/n) turned off his phone and turned to his closet, going in to choose an outfit. 

He didn't really care about his clothes much anymore since he didn't need to look good for his parents anymore. Or anyone for the matter. But his anxiety of being outside and the hot weather made him remember the long arm sleeve that Marinette had made him a few days ago. 

Looking through his clothes and pants, he picked out some worn-down ripped black jeans and a short-sleeved white shirt, tugging on the slick water-proof arm brace and grabbing ahold of his grey striped converse that were practically falling apart. 

Nodding to himself, he grabbed his black ball-cap and phone before petting the two stray well-groomed cats and leaving. Locking the door behind him he made his way to the park where Marinette told him that she would be waiting. 


When the park came into view, (M/n) meekly waved, weak to the heat as he sluggishly made his way over to the girl. 

"Why did we have to go out today? It's so...Hot." (M/n) whined hoarsely. Marinette smacked his back and smiled at the use of her creation being put to good use. "Ow..." he muttered tiredly. He kinda of regretted agreeing but the thought of getting ice cream put him on the balls of his feet as he swayed back and forth unconsciously like a child. 

Marinette covered her mouth and tightened her pig tails slightly as she and the boy made their way to the market to by more flour and cake icing and pie filling, along with yeast and salt. 

Once a few hours had passed and (M/n) was successfully tired out completely and practically melting, Marinette offered to buy them ice cream by the famous ice cream parlor who could use his intuition to use the same flavors to describe your soulmate. Thankfully, they didn't have to go far to grab (M/n)'s desired treat since he was just a few blocks ahead and there was shade and a bench. 

Instinctively, (M/n) headed towards the bench instead of the large crate of his sugary treat with Marinette after taking her share of grocery bags. 

"ugh...It's too hot.." (M/n) childishly muttered, his throat bobbing with his words as he leaned his head back. Slipping off his glasses to clean them, he felt someone seat down next to him, a little too close to his liking so he politely smiled and stood to his feet after placing his glasses back on. 

Turning to face who had sat down he gasped and jumped back in surprise. 

"Ah!" his gasp made Adrien purse his lips in response. 

(M/n) turned to look at Marinette who was happily talking to Nino who was also buying Ice cream for the golden-blond and himself. 

"Eh..I um..." (M/n) ducked his head and tried to ignore the blond but it wasn't happening on the Model's watch. 

"Are you and Marinette restocking?" the question was so trivial but (M/n) felt as if it was the hardest thing to answer on the planet. But then he remembered that he was wearing the black sleeve. The piece of clothing was so light weight it felt like he wasn't wearing anything on his left arm at all. 

Swallowing down his nerves, he nodded slightly and sat back down on the end of the bench away from the blond. Adrien sighed and leaned on his palm, it was clear to him that he was making the (h/c)-haired lanky teen uncomfortable so he backed off a bit and looked up at the sky. The clouds were small and fluffy, the sun beating down on them. 

Something cold pressed against his olive-skinned neck making the blond recoil and whip his head towards the (H/c)-haired teen who laughed at him before setting down the cold bottled water next to the model and walking away where Marinette and Nino were talking. 

"What the..." Adrien trailed off, watching as the (H/c)-haired teen shifted all the grocery bags into his right hand and taking the assorted flavored ice cream cone in his left head from Marinette. 

The flavors were unique and matched Marinette's. 

The girl had simply asked for two of the same assortment. That way it would be easier for the parlor. Adrien scratched the back of his neck as Nino and the black-haired girl made their way over to him. Grabbing ahold of the rest of his pride, Adrien turned towards the sixteen-year old girl with a desperate expression. 

"Marinette, do you know why (M/n) hates me so much?" the question threw the girl off but she pondered for a second. 

Thinking back, she remembered something that (M/n) had told her a week ago, after meeting Adrien for the first time in the park. 

"We're...we're complete opposites." he muttered tiredly, groaning and rubbing the back of his neck as his back popped, "He's always so bright when you describe him an I feel like if I get too close, I'll get burned in the end." Marinette smiled at the blond, a bright blush flooding her cheeks and ears as she shrugged. 

"Don't worry about it. He'll get used to you eventually," she laughed a little at the model's puzzled face as he thought her words over carefully. 

{Thank you to @EnzoMontanari for giving me the idea for this chapter! Let me know if you liked it and don't be scared to comment for the others who are reading this story!}

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