Chapter 1 Teaser: Deaf MR x Luka Couffaine

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{This is the chapter 1 teaser for my story that I was thinking about making. If you are confused, you probably haven't checked out my Voting author note. Go and check that out to see me rant or just do whatever you want.}

Luka groaned as he scratched the back of his neck, leaning back onto the park bench, he rested his shoulders. He was around 20-years-old now, after his huge break through with his music career, he thankfully got the opportunities to preform live in front of a bunch of people. But now, the fame from him preforming had dulled down and it was getting harder to find people who wanted to watch him sing and play his guitar. 

The band broke apart after losing fame, so now he's just a street performer that happily takes what he can get. He sighed out deeply, closing his eyes only to open them again when he felt a hand tap his shoulder. 

His round blue eyes fluttered open to meet hesitant (e/c)-colored hues looking back at him. The man was wearing a black face-mask and he seemed taller than him. Luka stood to his feet to test that theory, forgetting about the stack of flyers on his lap. 


Just my luck, Luka whined to himself, shaking his head, the young adult dove down to pick up the yellow sheets of paper only for the taller man to beat him to it. 

"Here," Luka flinched at the unexpected deepness of the stranger, his lips parting as the taller adult seemed to smile at him, Luka only noticed due to his eyes creasing. Luka hummed, nodding to himself. 

"Would you like to preform at a cafe?" The deep-voiced male questioned. The question itself didn't set the shorter 20-year-old off, only the fact that the man was waving his hands around as he spoke slightly. The tone in his voice was soft, almost too soft, and he welcoming aura only made Luka want to know more about the stranger in front of him. 

"S-Sure!" he stuttered, the long curly hair of the stranger covered his ears but the blue-haired adult could see the faint red tint on his earlobes. 

Luka smiled and waved slightly as he grabbed the papers back. Stepping back to take in the stranger's outfit. He wore a blue apron with small pins and a sticker attached to his name-tag. 

'Sorry if I don't answer you right away, I'm deaf.'

Luka's eyes drifted back up to meet the (e/c) gem-like hues that watched him closely. 

"You can't hear me?" Luka asked a little loudly, the stranger laughed before nodding and turning his head to the side and pushing his hair back a little to expose the hearing aid BTE hearing aid. 

"Only in one ear," the man voiced, the tone croaking with a raspy echo, "But my left ear has been getting worse about it, I was thinking about having surgery for a implant, but I don't have enough money for it so I'm just waiting until they don't work anymore." his lips curled into a sad smile making Luka frown. 

"Well," Luka starts, "I'll be at the cafe tonight, let's make the most of music so you can enjoy it while you can." he smiled. The stranger smiled back a little brighter than before. Luka glanced back down at the name tag. 

"Let me know when I can come perform, (M/n)." Luka smirked. 

{That's all for the teaser!!! Let me know if you like how it's going so far and if you want to read more!!}

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