Chapter 18: Week Complete; Successful

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{Tyler's Suicide; the reason, one, he was already clearly depressed and masked it with smiles. After losing the friends around him and being pressured to win by his over-pressing family, he lost his interest in (M/n) over time and only saw him as a rival.
The night of his Suicide, Tyler changed into the suit that (M/n) gave him to live on last happy moments before he died. That's all I can say without spoiling anything!}


(M/n) sighed tiredly, his anxiety after telling Chat about the reason for his scars was spiking through the roof. He didn't have the heart to tell the blond that he was constantly being reminded of Tyler's warmth by the Hero's bright smile. 

The (h/c)-haired teen slowly made his way to the bakery, he needed to get his mind off of both Blonds. Of course, his trauma didn't magically get better or fade away after telling the cat-themed hero. Chat deserved to know who Tyler was. In all Honesty, Chat had broke through some of his weaker walls around his heart. 

As the boy walked, his mind drifted off to the days he used to play the piano. April was already right around the corner, the school quarter was about to end and graduation was going to be in just a year's reach. 

(M/n) smiled at the thought of his friends but the smile faded once more when the image of Tyler's lifeless body flashed before his eyes once again. 

Do I deserve to be this happy?

(M/n) stopped walking, pausing just in time as the crossing sign flashed a bright red. 

Do I...? After letting him die..?

Suddenly he was shoved out of his thoughts when a pair of arms wrapped around his torso. 

Gasping out of surprise he whipped his body around to face the blonde, Rose, who hugged him tightly with a soft blush dusting over her cheeks. 

(M/n) wanted to smile back and hug his friend but hesitated. Biting his bottom lip, he sighed once again. (M/n) gently pushed her back by her shoulders and created the normal distance that was always between them. Juleka appeared from behind some random citizens and huffed tenderly once she had made it over to the two. 

"Rose! Don't just sneak up on him like that!" Juleka scolded. Her usually quiet voice was only a tad bit louder. The excited blonde-haired girl only smiled widely and laughed. 

"Sorry! Anyways, where's Nathaniel? Wasn't he with you?" Rose's question made the taller teen of the two girls perk up, Juleka immediately turned around, searching around desperately. 

"Did I leave him behind...?" The purple-haired girl picked at her painted nails anxiously as she looked around more for the red-haired artistic boy. (M/n), being much taller than the two girls, looked above some of the crowd of waiting people. He fiddled with his fingers as he searched more, catching a glimpse of the teen's red hair from the corner of his eye. 

"Ah..I found him," (M/n) muttered quietly. He grabbed a hold of Rose's hand, who grabbed Juleka's, and began to lead them towards the nervous boy who was most-likely looking for them as well. 

Nathaniel glanced over towards the teen approaching teens, his eyes lighting up when he caught sight of the tall teenager. "(M/n)?" the crimson-haired teen voiced, quickly making his way over to the three. 

"Isn't (M/n) amazing?! He found you right away!" Rose praised with a wide smile. The blonde-haired girl and her shy friend talked among themselves as the two boys held eye contact for a few minutes before (M/n) sighed and bowed his head slightly. 

"I was on my way to the Bakery. I'll be going now," (M/n)'s brisk greeting and goodbye gave Nathaniel an odd sense of sadness as he unconsciously reached out and grabbed the hem of the taller teen's long-sleeved shirt. 

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