Chapter 31: Debate and Fate

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{Just to let you guys know where I've been; I recently got into a car crash--just a couple of days ago and I'm still recovering mentally. Thank you to the readers who have been supporting and commenting on my stories. I don't know when I'll be able to update again. It's been about a week and a half into school and I'm already overwhelmed.

We love being a junior in high school. I also turned 16 recently as well. I count it as recently since it was the 24th. But thank you again for the support. I love you guys.

Enjoy the chapter!}


(M/n) was leaning against the wall outside in the hallway, his face stayed neutral but his fingers flinched at the sound of the window slamming shut once the blond had left. The (h/c)-haired teen let out a shaky sigh.

He shouldn't be so sad--there wasn't a reason to be sad. His crush told him that he wasn't ready and told him the truth. So he shouldn't be hurting right now.

(M/n) covered the bottom half of his face with his palm, his fingers were cold compared to Adrien's warmth. The boy's smile could warm his body for an entire winter--yet, the smile never lingered for long.

It hung back and wilted over time.

(M/n) went back inside his room after contemplating his decisions. He could've ignored Chat Noir and Adrien. He could've stayed to himself and went to work somewhere else.

He could have.

But he didn't.


Marinette was in her room when there was a gentle thud on top of her balcony. Of course, she immediately assumed that it was Chat Noir as she opened the top hatch, he was probably here to complain about not seeing Ladybug for the past couple of hours.

But what she didn't expect was her brother-like friend to be sitting on the railing of her small patio looking up at the stars without his glasses on.

His eyes were wet with tears, the warmth leaving him just as fast as he cuddled closer to himself. His baggy hoodie sleeves worked as a makeshift blanket as he continued to shudder.

"(M/n)..? What are you doing up here?! How did you get up here?" Marinette rushed over to the boy's side, examining his chilly skin for any injuries only to be engulfed in a large hug.

The embrace wasn't warm.

As always.

It stayed cold despite how warm the shorter girl was--she stood still, encased in the cool touch of the (H/c)-haired teenager.

"..Mari," (M/n) bit his lip as more tears began to slip out from his eyelashes and fall to the ground. His heart was pounding in his chest, bruising his lungs as he took in a painful amount of air before letting out a thick sigh.

"Mari, I messed up...And--And I don't..I don't know how to fix it." (M/n) let out a shuttering breath as he leaned back, unwrapping his arms from the girl's shoulders. Letting his hands fall with his movements, he refused to meet her eyes.

"I'm in Love with Adrien Agreste." his voice was meek but it got the point across. There's no turning back now, (M/n) cried internally to himself. Marinette didn't respond right away, her eyes were wide and her hands stayed tucked to her chest as she stopped fiddling with her fingers.

"Say it again," she whispers.

Her eyes watering as they met eyes for the first time that evening.

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