Chapter 17: Tyler's Lament

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{Warning; if you are triggered by strong depicitions of self-harm, suicide, depression, and any other topics in the following, I advise that you click away from this chapter now.}

A few years had passed, both Tyler and (M/n) worked together for a couple of competitions. Smiling joyously at each other on stage as they played duet pieces. He would never be prepared for pain he would have to face alone. 



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"Tyler! Wanna practice with me--" (M/n) waved for the blond's attention but the other pianist frowned at him and shook his head. Interrupting him somewhat rudely, despite not wanting it to come across as rude. 

"Sorry, (M/n), I can't today."  Tyler voiced, as if he had practiced that line over and over again. (M/n)'s smile began to fade slowly, his fame among other children and the other contestants of that year's competition made him happier, more open. He couldn't help but be happy, but Tyler had been distant. 

Not talking to him at times and even glaring, but (M/n) knew that he didn't mean to glare at him. He caught the blond catching himself and frowning sadly right afterwards as if to apologize. But of course, nothing changed in the end and the frown would stay on his face. 

(M/n) should've confronted the blond teen about his actions. 

But he failed. 

He failed to do so and he would pay for that. 


(M/n) stared up at the plain white ceiling of his Hotel room, every contestant for the competition were given the chance to rent out rooms at a popular and slightly expensive Hotel(Which was near the place of the competition). Of course, (M/n) took that chance after hearing that Tyler did the same. 

He was tucked in the white blankets, it was around 11:35 pm, everyone would've been asleep by now. Sighing deeply, he wanted Tyler to pay attention to him. The thought of the older teenager made his cheeks flush a bright pink as he rolled over onto his side, turning off the bed lamp next to him. 

Over the years they played against each other and with each other as partners, he had developed a crush on the blond. His warm smile and bright blue electrifying irises were alluring and beckoning him to smile with him. But the thought of the boy suddenly acting so cold to him made him frown instead of grin. 

He wrote it off as the nearing competition right around the corner, they would be competing against each other this time. The thought of competing against his Crush was sort of...suffocating. 

He would have to be better than Tyler, The Tyler Andres, he was always at the top after the first competition that (M/n) had won. After those loses, (M/n) pushed past his limits each time until his fingertips were numb. Yet, then again, he would never be better than Tyler. Closing his eyes, he tried his best to drift to sleep.

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