Chapter 12: "It's a Bet."

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After (M/n) had dropped off the grocery bags at the bakery he had made it back to his house with a little more bounce in his step because of his ice cream. It was early in the afternoon and he had plenty of time to waste, before he came to France and before the accident he used to play the piano to pass the time. 

And if he was lucky, he would've been joined with his mother who played Violin beautifully. Of course, only one could be on the stage now. 

The thought of the crisp sound of the Piano keys spoiled his appetite. 

He stopped by a small bridge near the park, different locks and notes taped and fluttering in the soft wind that pushed his hair back a little underneath his hat. "Come here often?" The charming voice of the blond hero he met the other day echoed in his ear in a small whisper. Jumping back in surprise, (M/n)'s eyes widened and he whipped his head toward the masked golden-blond. 

His bright feline-like eyes stared him up and down as he examined his expression and body language. 

Earlier as Adrien, he seemed so on edge. 

"He'll get used to it eventually." 

Marinette's words struck a cord within him and he used his head. 

And that thought was, I can make him used to me by being Chat Noir around him the most!

He's an idiot. But at least he's thinking about (M/n)'s well being in mind. Chat Noir smirked posed dramatically, ignoring the children pointing at him and different teens and parents staring at him. (M/n) felt uncomfortable with all the attention that they were getting. 

"Um..Listen, uh Cat Boy I need...I need to go--"

"But we just starting talking!" Chat whined pathetically, grabbing more attention from the public. His clawed hand moving to touch his chest.

 (M/n) sweat-dropped, frowning deeply as he gripped the hem of his shirt nervously rolling his bottom lip between his teeth

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 (M/n) sweat-dropped, frowning deeply as he gripped the hem of his shirt nervously rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. The cat-themed hero noticed his queasy expression and sighed, "Alright, I'll back off, and it's not Cat boy! It's Chat Noir," the blond stressed, crossing his arms over his chest right after. 

(M/n) laughed awkwardly sucking in a sudden breath when Chat hooked his arms under his legs and back standing on the ledge of the bridge. 

"P-Put me down!!" The (h/c)-haired teen gripped Chat's shoulders tightly and wrapped his arms around his neck, leaning into him while curling up in a small ball as Chat stumbled back from the sudden shift in weight. 

Despite being so tall, (M/n) was light but jumpy and a trembling mess. 

"Hold on tight!!" Chat smirked widely, jumping up into the sky, he extending his Baton and launched himself to the rooftop of a tall apartment building before making his way off towards (M/n)'s house by instinct. 

(M/n) felt the wind whistling in his ear and the thumping of his heart in his ears, he swore that Chat felt it against his own chest. The feeling of the wind pushed his hair back and his hat threatened to fall off. Chat's hold on him was calming and reminded him of the soft kisses of the sun on a nice perfect day in the summer. 

Shakily he lifted his head from Chat's shoulder, squinting his eyes open to look at the ground below them. 

"...Woah.." He mumbled quietly, Chat barely caught it but his smile grew at the amazement he on the taller teen's face. 

"This...This is---" (M/n) was a loss of words. The city below them was joyous and the sweet melody of piano and violin music in the background as it slowly faded out as they got closer to (M/n)'s house. 

"I know, right?" Chat hummed, his charming grin and handsome face looked familiar in some ways. His messy golden-blond hair made (M/n) head spin in didn't theories. 

Who is he?

The answer was probably horribly obvious but no one came to mind. (M/n) glanced at the hero's face structure. Noticing how close they were, he blushed in embarrassment and buried his face into Chat's neck once more. His breath tickling the cat-themed hero's olive-colored skin. 

Chat jumped roof to roof before settling down on the slanted plated rooftop with small steam coming from the chimney. Right across from (M/n)'s house. The taller teen of the two shakily got down from Chat's strong hold and patted his chest awkwardly as to tell him "good job", the cat-themed hero snorted and patted (M/n)'s chest as well as they sat down watching the sun slowly set above them. 

"Th...Thank you, Ca-Chat, Chat Noir for the Ride?" (M/n)'s raspy voice trailed off curiously as the hero examined his face once more. 

(M/n) didn't have any strong features other than his eyes and scars, or that's what he thought of himself, and hands. But Chat's feline-like green eyes searched every feature and the small stubble of hair growing on his chin that he forgot to shave before he left. The taller teen felt oddly embarrassed and insecure. 

"I wanted to ask before..but, what happened to your arm?" Chat's soft warm voice echoed in (M/n)'s ears. (E/c)-like gem hues clashes with bright emerald green as the two maintained a staring competition, (M/n)'s hands began to shake clenching them into tight fists to control it.

The uncomfortable feeling came back and it felt like a thousand eyes were watching him. 

"...I..I'm not comfortable with talking about it with some..Someone I just met." (M/n) muttered loud enough for the hero to hear. Chat hummed and placed his Baton in-between his thighs, leaning on top of it with his chin resting on top of his hands. 

"It's alright! You'll get used to me Eventually, right?" Chat smugly teased, (M/n) huffed rolling his eyes as he pulled his knees close to his chest

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"It's alright! You'll get used to me Eventually, right?" Chat smugly teased, (M/n) huffed rolling his eyes as he pulled his knees close to his chest. 

"Debatable." He retorts. Chat gasped dramatically and pursed his lips into a childish pout. 

"I bet in a week! A Week tops that we'll be best friends!" Chat declared, standing up and resting his baton on his left shoulder, his smirk was kind and dared (M/n) to refuse. The seventeen-year-old anxious teenager chuckled and reached out his right hand towards the hero. 

"It's a bet." he reminds. 

Chat smirked wider, his nose crinkling in amusement. 

"It's a Bet."  He repeats. 

{How did you like this chapter? Is there anything I should add with Chat's and (M/n)'s current relationship? How should it affect Adrien's and (M/n)'s friendship---so many possibilities!! Anyway, Have a wonderful day! And let me know in the comments!}

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