#4 Annoyance

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A few days after the disturbing lesson of Defense against the Dark Arts, everyone seemed to be more relaxed and definitely more in the mood for the upcoming selection of the champions. People started to gather in the main hall at break and free periods to see students throwing their names in the goblet and its blue flames.

I couldn't lie, it had a bad taste being the one to literally stand on the sideline, spectating.

Now, that I wasn't able to enter my name to the tournament, I was absolutely sure I would've given it a try. So, my mood wasn't the best once Maribel and I spent our lunch break on the rows watching the fire.

"Could you not look as if someone stole your pumpkin pie?", my sister mocked me as she looked up from the herbology book she was reading.

I sarcastically smiled at her before I rested my head back on my hands. My gaze wandering around the hall; it was pretty empty for that time of the day. Only a few single students or pairs of two were stationed in the rows around the room. A group of Slytherins sat on the opposite of us, a pair of grey eyes snapped in my direction with an annoying smirk from time to time. Draco seemed to find a bigger liking in annoying me since our little talk at the tower. Not with insult for that matter, more like just looking at me, which was much worse.

I hated him.

"It's almost funny how annoyed you are that you can't enter the tournament", El giggled and shared a look with my sister.

She and Hermione, who sat with us in a row above just giggled to themselves. They decided to join Maribel and me as soon as we entered. This was probably the most calming atmosphere I could imagine and exactly what I missed over the summer.

"Well, probably as annoyed as Maribel because there's no quidditch tournament this year, so no quidditch team and selection for that, too", I snickered.

"Touché", Maribel shrugged.

We clapped as a few people we didn't know placed their names in. But just then a handsome Hufflepuff entered.

Cedrics' gaze lingered on us, my eyebrows raised up amused immediately when Maribel blushed and changed her look from sweet little girl to a mature tomato.

El almost choked on her juice as she watched Maribel trying her best to look away, down on her book which she turned open again after she was finished reading, and which laid upside down on her lap now for everyone to see.

Cedrics' lips curled up in a smile as he walked through the aging line in confident steps, right before he put a piece of parchment with his name on it in the flame. But he didn't turn around to go back to the group of friends escorting him.

"Oh god", Hermione grinned. "He's coming."

My gaze snapped back at him, away from my embarrassed sister. It was crazy how she acted when the dark-haired was simply in the same room as the girl. And the more her behavior changed the more entertaining this whole thing was for me.

Right as he came to a hold in front of Maribel and me on the bottom row, he leaned forward, grabbed her chin, directed her to look him in the eyes and placed his lips on hers.

I didn't dare to breath, my face probably in the same color as hers but because of the lack of air I had.

El suppressed a squeak as she just slapped my shoulder from behind a few times, before she simply grabbed it almost painfully. Hermione looked down on her lap, maybe even embarrassed with being there in such an intimate moment.

Once Cedric trailed back, his finger came up to stroke one brown curl behind Maribels' ear.

"Don't worry about me, sweetheart", he smiled and with that, he left.

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