#24 The Astronomy Tower

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I stayed in my dorm for two minutes, before I couldn't remain still anymore. I needed to find out what was going on.

I quickly got dressed in Draco's quidditch jumper and some sports leggings again, before I headed out into the common room.

„Hey! You're missing the party!", I ran into Blaise as I moved around the corner. His smell immediately let a small cloud of alcohol lingering around my nose, so I quickly smiled and laid my hands around his shoulders.

„I'm sorry, but you did awesome today, let yourself celebrate.", I said and tried to look over his shoulders for a mob of blonde hair, but I instead found Theodore smirking down on me.

„Oh, he did. He scored five times, we crashed them to the grounds.", he laid his arm around Blaises shoulder and smiled with the same blurry expression. His glossy eyes almost mirroring the firewhiskey he got intus.

„I'm proud of you.", I smiled at my best friend and gave him a lopsided hug. „But I really need to go, see you guys later?"

„We reserve you a drink at the party, Fox!", Theo called after me as I already rushed towards the entrance. And while those two boys vanished to the boys tower, probably just to grab something since the party seemed still be going on down the pitch, my mind already was with Draco again.

Trying to imagine where he probably headed to.

I almost pathetically started to run up towards the Great Hall to just simply starting somewhere, but as I saw two students on the Hufflepuff table playing wizarding chess, I thought back to the day, where I bumped into Draco on the fourth floor.

The room of requirement.

Once I ended up on the corridor and saw the door leading into the room, my throat was bursting in exhaustion. The scar on my stomach hurt with the sprinting steps I did on the stairs, but Draco was nowhere to be seen.

So I entered.

The room wasn't nearly looking like the last time I was in there. There weren't training dummies and mirrored walls, matts on the floor and enough space to practice spells, it was a mess.

There were hills and piles of junk, equipped with wooden furniture, chests and boxes, books, old parchment and fabrics. Just a small path leaded through the landscape of lumber, so I followed it with my gaze searching for platinum blonde hair.

But instead I found a rumbling cabinet. It was tall and towering, although with the junked surroundings, it wasn't at all outstanding.

As the wooden cabinet did a strange sound, right before the door slowly opened, revealing black smoke slowly emerging out of it, I knew.

This was the counterpart Snape mentioned at Voldemort's table.

This was the counterpart Draco got repeared.

The entering will be easy once the time has come. They were here. They were coming.

I realized that I brought myself directly into the center of the storm, right into the lion's dent before Bellatrix smiled at me. Her grin never left my frozen figure as she stepped out of the cabinet and revealed five other's quickly following the dark witch.

„Draco left us a little present here, I see.", Bellatrix snickered as she stepped nearer, her wand twirling around the air next to her face before she tapped it lightly against her temple.

„Take her with you, I'm pretty sure she wants to see the show.", her laugh rung out right as I felt two strong hands on my shoulders from a man, who had a scary similarity with a wolf.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now