#27 Dangerous Games

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"He comes back! The Dark Lord, he's coming!", I heard someone calling out and lifted my head back up from my position. As I came slowly to my feet, It felt like my heart was imploding. Because Voldemort wasn't dead. And I felt so much pain in my stomach, because I had such a horrible feeling about this moment. A small part of me was clenching on a small flame of hope, that Harry wasn't dead. That he managed somehow, just like he always did.

Students started to run crossway in panic, trying to search a place to gain safety, others were slowly moving towards the front of the castle to see what was going on.

„Tiara, lovely.", I heard Sirius voice before he approached. His body was covered in blood, his forehead in a layer of sweat.

„Is he dead?", I asked, my own tone so emotionless, that I feared I lost the ability to be vulnerable when it came to death.

„No.", he grabbed my shoulder. „Your first aid probably saved his life, if he deserves it or not. Mrs Strout takes care of him now."

„Good.", I answered, but right as the relief started to fill me up, it was suffocated by the pain I felt with the following words. I just simply couldn't imagine a way to tell this brave man, that the only family he had left willingly walked into his own death to safe us.

„What is it?", he tilted his head, suspicious of my fallen face. „Tell me, where is Harry?"

„Sirius he -„, I started, but my mind was just blanc, overwhelmed by everything. „He -„

„No, he isn't.", he slowly got what I tried to say. „Tell me he didn't go to that forest. He isn't there."

„He wanted me to tell you that he couldn't have wished for a better godf-„

„Stop it right there, I don't wanna hear that!", he interrupted me, but his face crumbled, letting his pain shine through. Maybe this was my fault, because the man went in the sake of me with Snape. Maybe if he stayed he could've convinced Harry to not go and get himself killed.

„I'm sorry, Sirius.", I said, but the man was already walking towards the front. I wanted to follow and tell him just something to calm our minds, but my eyes suddenly caught a glimpse of white stumbling up the stairs leading from the dungeons. As soon as Draco spotted me, his body seemed to loose the tension he was holding and his feet started to run without him really noticing. His hair was covered in grey dust a bit, his face was too like he was near an explosion. But even though he was covered in the stains of the battle, I saw how pale he was as soon as the boy was near enough to pull me into his chest like I was his missing piece he needed to survive.

„You're alive.", I mumbled in his chest as he kissed the top of my head.

„I made a promise.", he answered, but flinched a bit, as I pressed my arms firmer around his body.

„Are you hurt?", I asked and lifted the edge of his black suit to see a burning wound already through the holes in his shirt. „Oh my god, we need to treat this."

„It's alright, you're good? Tell me this isn't your blood.", he nervously moved the jacket aside to get a better look, but I quickly took his hands between mine and placed a kiss on them.

„It's Snape's, he's injured badly.", I admitted and as our gazes met, I felt the tears I didn't know I still could offer, coming to the surface again. „He's coming. And he will -„

„Stop, I don't let that happen.", he grabbed my face firmly and flickered his eyes between mine. „You hear me? I already told you I will not let something happen to you. I'm with you."

There were a bunch of scenarios playing in my head about what could happen. What I needed to do to keep the people I love safe and what this will cost me in the end. It was painful to think about, but the simple idea of the boy in front of me having a chance, was enough to probably settle my fate.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now