#20 Sweater Scents & childhood drama

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Draco took me back to the dungeons and up the girls' dorm tower. As soon as I opened the room, he quickly sat me down on my bed once I told him which one was mine and approached my closet.

"You need to get out of your clothes", he said much calmer than before and let his gaze wander over my wardrobe. It took him a minute to grab a thin sweater and a pair of sweatpants which he carefully laid next to me on the edge of my bed. Once his gaze diverted to the dresser where my underwear was sorted in, I sprung up in the same moment he pulled it open and raised his eyebrows.

„Little privacy please?", I quickly said and pushed the drawer close again.

„Just wanted to make sure you don't get cystitis", but the blonde boy couldn't suppress his soft impression of a smirk, the tongue tracing over his bottom lip.

„Yeah, really courteous of you. So?", I made a motion to signalize he should leave the room or at least turn around. Of course, he decided to stay and face the wall corner to give me the privacy I needed.

It still felt strange getting changed with him in the same room. Not awkward in the way I thought it would be, not bothering, just simply strange.

Please, don't let him turn around.

Once I took on the clothes he gave me, he turned to face me and rested himself partly on the desk in front of our windowsill. His eyes were in the same worried, annoying expression he had for this whole day as I leaned myself back against the headboard, wrapped in my knitted blanket. He almost looked too casual, that it bothered me.

"Stop looking at me like I'm a little lamb", I rolled my eyes. "You did this all day long. It's annoying."

"It's annoying you let me sit in the common room, just like that, after you scared the shit out of me last night", he answered and sat down on the edge of my bed quickly. The hint of peppermint and cologne tingling my nose.

"Because this is none of your business. I don't owe you an explanation. And I don't need someone fussing over me", I returned.

I felt good with him as my company, but I wouldn't talk about my nightmares. I never did.

"I'm not fussing over you.", Draco immediately said with furrowed eyebrows. "I'm just -"

He stopped himself there, as if he was stumbling over his own words. Kinda like his words racing against his thoughts and won.

"What?", I asked confused by his startled mood swing. But while he diverted his eyes back on me, I saw him closing up again.

"Never mind", he said and breathed out frustrated. I decided to let this go for the moment. He shifted uncomfortable in his place with his hands in his lap, clearly debating if he should go or stay for a little while longer.

"I didn't want to scare you", I then said as I pulled on the strings of my blanket to ease my mind. And I didn't want him to leave, I really didn't.

"I already thought this wasn't on purpose", Draco chuckled and relaxed a bit. "You wanna talk about what happened tonight?"

"It's nightmares. I have them since I was little. And no, I really don't", I softly smiled a bit, hoping he would let this go. „I never talk about them."

As Draco nodded, I relaxed immediately. I would've thought he would dig on that a little bit longer, but once more Draco Malfoy was difficult to assess.

"How are you feeling?", he asked instead as a silence laid itself over us. His eyes were pinned on my legs, not sure on which one I was dragged down.

"I'm fine. Just still cold", I admitted and huffed as the boy eyed me suspicious. My leg was tense a bit, as if someone grabbed it firmly all this time, but it didn't hurt. Just my lungs were still burning.

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