#17 Forceful Dances & Damage Control

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I quickly looked at Blaise, a small smile on my lips as I stood up. Draco didn't wait for me or didn't look behind if I was following outside. He only turned back around as we stood in a small corridor right next to the Great Hall. Only the music could be heard in the background, changing to a slow rhythm again. Draco just stood there with his eyes on me. His expression once more unreadable. Merlin, his dagger eyes cut right through me, punching me out of the closed up state and snapping me back, made me crumble.

„What do you want?", Isaid to ease my mind.

„You said you wouldn't attend with Blaise.", his voice was cold and hard, suiting his expression. It was almost painful how good he looked, how handsome he stood there in front of me, and funny how perfect his appearance fitted his status. He could never deny it.

„Well, I'm not. I'm here alone and Blaise is nice enough to keep me company", I admitted and crossed my arms. Out here, out of the hall with a bunch of students dancing and sweating, caught me the fresh air and the sudden coldness off guard.

„You mean his weak attempt of getting higher in your reputation? I can't believe you're falling for that.", Draco scoffed and paced around in front of me. His hand came up to knead the back of his nose probably in annoyance.

„No, I mean a friend, our friend by the way, who simply keeps me company so I don't have to walk around alone, because I failed this ball thing completely", I added as I felt my temper rise.

"I thought you wasn't going to attempt at all? And now I see you here all cozy with Blaise", he said back, but I just shook my head in the slightest. Draco wasn't in the position to judge in any kind, why I simply spent my time with friends at the Yule Ball - the only reason I was coming down in the first place.

"I just changed my mind. I wanted to come down and not be alone in my dorm. I wanted to have at least a good night with my friends. Sorry, that you have to deal with that, Draco. And I don't think you're in the position to judge about with whom I attend, right?", I answered.

„That's something different", he shook his head and stopped in his tracks as he got my hint.

„Right, it is", I said in a small voice and looked away. I didn't want to crumble again; I didn't want him to see how bad I was struggling.

„You know I wanted to attend with you", Draco said as the awkward silence settled down.

„Do I? For all I know, you didn't tell me all of this when you had the chance", I spat back and was about to turn around, but his hand grabbed my arm and stopped me in my tracks.

„Do you seriously think I wanted all of this? That I would have wanted to attend with Maribel?", his eyebrows were furrowed in a dangerous way. He had the kind of look I was afraid to give in underneath.

„Come on, Draco, give me a break.", I faced him. „How come none of you won't get that it hurts me when the people I care about don't even bother to tell me something like that."

His hand left my arm, and I quickly took a step to get a little bit of distance between us. The blonde boy seemed to seriously think about what I said, flickering his eyes between mine. But then, all of a sudden,this stupid damn smirk appeared on his lips.

„So, you do care about me?", he smirked down on me with the same face I knew I couldn't stay mad at all, melting into it like warm butter.

„Seriously? That's the only thing you're getting out of what I just said?", I snapped back even though I had to bring all my courage to the surface to not give myself away. Draco quietly chuckled but remained seriously again once he looked up.

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