#25 Eyes like Mother

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Draco tried to get a hold on me again, but he stumbled too and was hold back by Blaise to not fall into the fire headfirst. I panically reached for a chair to catch myself, but I felt the smooth surface of the lack slipping out if my grip again. I heard Draco's calls, Blaise's, as both of them tried to spread their hands near enough for me to grab it - but they were too far away. A motion to my left side caught my attention, but I hadn't the chance to see what it was as the chair completely slipped through my fingers. I fell about two meters, before I could take a hold on the handle of a chest which was wedged between two cupboards. The metal of the grip almost too hot to grab it any longer.

"Don't move, hold on!", I heard Blaise calling down to me, desperately trying to come more further without losing his balance.

"I can't.", I breathed out as I felt my muscles closing with the exhaustion running through my body like the blood in my veins. The heat of the fire coming straight from above, on the edge of being painful enough to release my grip. My vision got blurry. And just for a second, I thought that this was probably the best way to find peace. To just make it stop.

"You can and you will, you hear me!", Draco chipped in and started to set his feet over the edge to climb down again. I wanted to say that he should stay the hell up on the table, but then the surface slipped and shoved both of them over the edge. They gladly got a hold on the corners and I panicky watched Blaise loosing the support, but right as he was about to fall down, Ron grabbed his arm and lifted him on his broom secure.

"Draco!", Harry screamed before he reached out his hand for the blonde boy to grab.

"Get her!", he answered panicking, but right then Hermione grabbed my arm and shoved me behind her figure on her own one. My gaze shot back as my arms came around her waist secure, but to my relief had Harry already grabbed Draco too just in time as the tower of junk crashed down in the flames. My face buried itself in her back, sobbing in pure relief that we survived and shielding from the heat too.

We all flew as fast as the brooms could carry us towards the open doors once the entrance appeared in front of our noses. As soon as we reached it, out bodies flung forward and shoved to the ground of the fourth floor. Harry was the first to stand up, leaping for the diadem laying in front of him.

"Harry!", Hermione called out from beside me and through him a Basilisk fang with which the boy stabbed the jewelry and kicked it in the depths of the fire howling inside the room before the doors swung close and left the corridor in eery silence.

Draco sat up quickly, scrambled to his feet and flung himself towards me to grab my body secure in his arms. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore, shuttered into pieces on his chest.

"You're okay? Are you hurt?", he asked and looked over my body to see any burning wounds or worse, but I was fine so I shook my head.

"I'm good.", I added and closed my eyes as Draco leaned his forehead against mine.

"Thank god."

"I thought we're going to die.", I cried as Blaise approached and kneeled down next to us. Draco looked at him as I buried my face into the blonde boy's shoulder.

"Thanks.", he breathed out. "For helping."

"Any time.", our friend smiled and stood up to make sure the other's were fine as well.

"Listen, you have to come with me.", Draco whispered, even though his tone of voice was different to the time before in the room of requirement. His eyes were pleadingly on me. "He threatened to kill us both if I'm not handing you in."

"What do you mean? Where is my mom?", I furrowed my eyebrows in panic, quickly sitting up straight and ignored the blurry outlines of my view as I searched in Draco's eyes for some sort of hint.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now