#15 Bed Whispers & Upside Down Sweaters

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This chapter includes mature scenes, sexual scenes and strong language

I watched Draco's chest lifting and sinking again, just in the silence of my dorm. The blanket slipped as he turned on his back, his right arm still around my chest, pulling me in.

I softly stroked my fingertips over his skin, looking on his slightly parted lips with a smile.

I watched him for hours now, just looked at him having probably the first resting sleep in weeks. He looked so peaceful with his hair messily hanging in his face, the unbuttoned shirt carelessly mantling his upper body, his forehead not in wrinkles, but clear as if all the problems around him didn't exist just for a few hours.

As I rested my palm on his bare breast, Draco shifted. His hand pulled me closer to his body, his head tilted until his face was buried into my hair and his left hand grabbed my thigh to diverted it on his own.

I felt a shiver crawling down my back as I snuggled deeper and thought about the last hours we spent.

"You sure you wanna do this?", Draco traced his kisses down my bare skin right as he opened the close of my bra. I couldn't think straight with his mouth on my skin. I just knew that I wanted to feel him everywhere, closer, while I clenched my fists into the sheets.

"I do.", I breathed out and threw my head back along with my back bending, making him chuckle against the spot right above my stomach. He knew what he did, he knew where he needed to trace his fingers along, where his tongue. That I was butter in his hands as soon as his fingers stroked the sides of my stomach, as soon as his mouth touched the skin on my inner thigh, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Good.", he chuckled. "Because I wasn't going to let you go again."

The sky was grey with thick clouds hanging full of unfallen snow, the Lake unsteady with the wind catching up on the water, sending it against the wall under my window in waves. But even though the weather was as unsettled as everything around us, I felt peaceful.

Draco brought me peace. As soon as he touched me, I felt something different than the emptiness in my body.

"You're staring.", the blonde's lips curled into a smirk without opening his eyes. His fingers around my waist started stroking the skin, sending waves of adrenaline through me.

"I'm not.", I said and snuggled deeper into his shoulder, kissing his neck quickly.

"You don't need to be ashamed. I could look at you the whole time, too. Your beautiful in nature.", he smiled and turned to face me. As he opened his eyes I was about to sink in by the smallest attempt of life being back into them.

"Never cover up in front of me.", Draco whispered in my ear as he held my hands above my head with his own, hovering over me. As his other one traveled lightly over my breast down to my very core with one deep sound on his lips as he reached it, he collapsed his lips with mine again.

His fingers traced over it, his eyes focused on my closed ones to soak in my reaction to his movements, to smirk down on me while I sunk in.

"You're beautiful, please never hide from me.", Draco breathed against my lips, before we connected to another deep, heated kiss.

I reached forward to stroke the blonde strains out of his forehead. "Stop boosting yourself, Malfoy."

"Malfoy? So, we're back on last name terms? I think recently it was bab-"

"Yes, shut up.", I laid my hand over his mouth to silent him up, but I quickly removed it as he softly bite down on my palm before pulling me closer to kiss the tip of my nose.

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