#6 The Smell of Perfume

234 11 18

233 days before

Ron splinted.

As soon as I lifted my head from the hard wooden floor and stroked my sleeve over my nose, looking down on the blood strains, I saw Hermione crouching over our friend, who already started to seizure. His arm was hanging down in shreds, the pain he must've felt difficult to imagine.

The dark-haired girl poured something over his bleeding arm, breathless and shaking tries to calm him down on her lips.

It almost needed three days to heel his wounds properly to the point where it was manageable for him to move. A month more - at least - until he was ready to apparate again.

Hermione and I charmed protective enchantments all around the area we stationed ourselves into. It was a beautiful forest, to be honest, but the fact, that we weren't really shielded except for the trees, kept me on edge all the time. The Polyjuice Potion I took wasn't really a relief. Even though I was looking like the completely opposite of myself with shoulder length black hair, freckles around my face and deep brown eyes, I felt like the same, see-through like glass.

"Okay, one more time.", Harry rolled his neck with his wand pointed on the locket, he once more had laid on a tree stamp in front of us. He had try this on his own after we arrived, but wasn't successful. Now, that Ron could stand on his own again and I gained my energy back, he wanted to try with all of us again to destroy the Horcrux.

"Harry, I don't think this will work.", I said softly, but drew my wand from the pocket of my jacket as he wasn't listening and started to throw non verbal spells at the necklace.

"Just imagine it's Umbridge.", he smirked at me, before I looked at the locket.

"Confringo.", I said calmly and watched the leaves around the Horcrux catching fire. As expected, it didn't get destroyed. The glass didn't even have a split on it.

Hermione followed me with Dissendium, but it didn't open and revealed what was inside. Even Incendio didn't cause any harm, it just extinguished itself.

"Do you think you could use your special Merlin powers?", Ron asked as I stepped next to him and watched Harry loosing his temper as he blasted a mixture of spells at the bouncing necklace. It remained completely fine of course.

Hermione shot me a warning gaze as I did a step forward and lifted my hand as soon as Harry sensed what I was about to do. I focused on the shiny thing on the brown leave at the ground, closed my eyes and quickly switched my palm in the air. The explosion came straight out of my core, the earth detonated around the Horcrux, sent the leaves around at us in a wave of storm. Hermione quickly drew her arms in front of her face to shield herself from the wave, before she quickly stepped forward as Harry leaped for the locket to look at it.

It was as good as new.

"Okay, if that isn't destroying it, we can't simply do with magic.", Ron breathed out impressed, but his smile dropped as he saw the blood on my face. "Wait, you're okay?"

"I told you, Tiara.", Hermione digged in her bag for a napkin to hand me. "Why don't you listen once."

"It's okay, calm down. It's just a bit.", I said as I stroked the fabric over my nose. "It already stopped again, see?"

But I couldn't trick Hermione as soon as our eyes met. She laid her arms around my body to get me to the fallen tree to sit down, right as my knees started to give in under my weight. Harry stepped nearer again, as he pulled the locket around his neck.

"What are you doing?", Hermione asked, her eyes narrowing on him.

"We have to keep it safe until we find out how to destroy it.", the boy sighed and looked at me. "You're good?"

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