#3 Declaration of War

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Being back at Hogwarts was different than in previous years. It was my personal escape from the sudden Greek tragedy I was a part in at home.

The Great Hall was busting with students, the minds of the people probably settled to an ease while the ministry spread the rumor, that Harry and Dumbledore were lying about whatever happened in the maze a few months ago.

Compared to their last meeting in a big constellation like this with Cedric's memorial, it seemed like everything went back to normal in the most displacing way.

As soon as we stationed ourselves on the usual seats we took every year, Maribel on the opposite next to Pansy and Draco, Blaise and Daphne to my sides, the headmaster came forward to his golden desk. The blonde boy had poured Maribel, and surprisingly me as well, some pumpkin juice in our cups. I nodded a thanks and returned his small smile.

The way things were awkward now was more than annoying.

"Good evening children. Now we have two changes in staffing this year. We're pleased to welcome back Professor Grubbly-Plank, who'll be taking Care of Magical Creatures, while Professor Hagrid is on temporary leave", Dumbledore announced. "We also pleased to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge."

I literally suffocated on the sip I was taking right as Dumbledore announced the change in staff. I was relieved it didn't pour out of my nose by the burning sensation shooting tears on my eyes. Even if I could speak, I probably didn't have the right words to express what I felt. At all.

Umbridge was the worst, everyone who ever talked to her, was in the company with her, even in the same room with that pink-dressed nightmare, knew that.

Umbridge was long time a colleague of my father, many years the Senior Undersecretary of the Minister of Magic. My Dad was always eager to get the job, of course. It was an honor to work that closely with the minister, but not even he - Mr. connections and the right people around are the most important thing - wasn't willingly spending more time with this woman than he needed too.

"Everything okay?", Blaise whispered in my direction while Dumbledore advised everyone to greet this evil spirit with open arms.

"She's a nightmare", I answered without lifting my gaze from her, now standing in the row of the teachers. She was that outstanding with her pink suit, it was almost embarrassing that I didn't saw her in an instant as I entered the Great Hall.

While the headmaster wanted to move on with his speech, I heard a tiny, but cutting squeak. High pitched and immediately changing the atmosphere from the welcoming golden autumn to an early cruel winter.

The woman made her way to the front, standing short next to the headmaster and looked at him until he moved out of the way and made room for the woman to came up front.

"Thank you, headmaster,for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely to see all your bright, happyfaces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends",she snickered.

"Oh, cut the crap.", I said in a small voice, but the gaze of the woman landed on me anyway. She must've heard me by the dagger eyes literally cutting through my forehead and into my soul. Although Umbridge didn't say anything, she continued without looking away.

"The Ministry of Magic has always considered the education of young witches and wizards to be of vital importance. Although each headmaster has brought something new to this historical school, progress for the sake of progress, much be discouraged. Let us preserve what must be preserved, perfect what can be perfected and prune practices that ought to be prohibited." The Professor ended her monologue with an irritating squeak before she headed back for her seat on the teacher's table.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now