#15 The One I Loved

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"Why didn't you tell me?", Maribel asked as soon as we were in the dorm room.

After Theodore blurred out the question, the room went quiet. All pair of eyes flickered between me and Draco who still stood in the middle of the room in the attempt to go back to his dorm. His face was hard, his eyes on his pale, narrowing for breaking his promise. But mine went straight to my sister, not caring about everyone around us.

I didn't opened my mouth to return something and by that, my sister already knew that Theodore didn't make this up. But her face remained. She didn't flinch, she didn't got angry or stood up and vanished as I expected. She simply looked at me.

It was for El and Blaise changing the topic on Pansy once Draco's eyes literally killed the boy on the couch, right before his eyes went around the room to every remaining Slytherin and on me. Nobody dared to say something by his gaze, not even as the blonde turned on his heels.

Maribel and I were quick to follow his lead as she shot me a cold look to come with her.

"I'm so sorry.", I immediately said as I let myself sink on my dorm bed.

My sister paced around before she let herself sink next to me with a deep breath. She stroked the loosen curl behind her ear, making me think about the face she through me as they walked out the closet again. They grew closer which was the best for everyone. And I, her sister, went after him this last weeks even though I promised myself not to.

"I know, I'm terrible. I tried to, I really did.", I rumbled on, but Maribel quickly interrupted me.

"Would you stop saying that? You're not.", she blurred out and looked at me firmly. Her hand landed on my thigh, clapping it lightly.

"What do you mean?", I asked confused. She didn't seem particularly angry with me, she was almost understanding.

"You're not terrible. I just wanna know why you didn't say a word.", she huffed annoyed and laid her right leg up on my bed to turn around facing me. Her lips were up to a small, but loving smile. A face I didn't see a lot these days. So strange and unknown that it almost boiled up tears to the corner of my eyes.

"Wait, your not angry?", I asked hopeful and breathed out as she laid her arms on my shoulder to shake her head. But the smile faded as quickly as it appeared.

"Tiara, do you know how guilty I feel for signing this contract? Seeing you like that?", her voice broke a bit, but there weren't tears in her eyes. Since the end of last year she learned to suppress the urge to cry. That's a side effect for growing under our parents expectations.

"I don't know whatever is going on between you two and according to your face, you don't know it yourself.", she breathed out with a small hint of amusement and looked down on her hands which fiddled in her lap by now.

"But I'd be a terrible sister if I would seriously be mad about you for exploring what is going on between you two. Do you seriously thought I want you to cut him out, just like that, because father set up this stupid contract? I would change that if it'd be in my hands somehow."

"Well, I don't know what I should think. It isn't like we're on good talking terms these days.", I said in a small voice and as soon as the words left my mouth, the sadness for growing apart overwhelmed me.

Maribel was always one thing in my life which was solid and there every second on every day. Feeling like we're on different boats, drifting apart by every wave of life coming our way, because of our different point of views by now, drove me crazy. It was a thought I didn't really allow to come to the surface. But speaking it out and sitting right next to her hit different.

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