#3 Distracing Lights of the City

270 10 22

272 days before

"You didn't even touch your lasagne, Tiara. I remember you made a promise to eat.", Sirius dug his fork into his own portion, but squinted over to my figure undetected, sitting opposite him on the table with my head leaned on my hand.

"I'm sorry, I know.", I said and put the fork in my mouth. "I'm just nervous."

"You shouldn't be, they will understand.", Sirius smiled at me and chewed his food.

"Well, yes, I should be nervous.", I huffed and looked outside the window. It was late, probably after midnight.

"When did you say they would come?"

"The wedding is for sure still rumbling on, you need to relax. Go get some sleep, I'll wait.", Sirius pushed his empty plate to the side and rested his elbows on the table.

His expression was almost pleadingly, maybe because he wanted to rest at least his mind from my troubled one.

"No, I'm staying awake.", I said, but smiled at him and took another bite for his pleasure. "I'm not tired anyway."

The night was almost unbearable quiet. The man had opened a window earlier, because he knew that the sound of London's streets was something calming me down. But it was quiet, too quiet to distract me.

And as always you couldn't see the stars in that big city, because even if the streets were empty, the lights of London were shining over the night sky and curtained the innocent constellations.

Which was pretty sad, because Lyra could be seen, representative for the lyre which Hermes gave his half-brother Apollo who passed it on to Orpheus, the musician. One of my favorites and one of the first ones I taught Draco.

"Can I ask you something?", I said softly while I tried to eat my food without the feeling of throwing up.

"Anytime.", Sirius answered.

"I never asked where my parents are living right now. I know what you're gonna say, but I won't reach out for them. It just would've been a relief to know where they are. Are they on our estate by Lake Distract? Or did they go to Paris."

I carefully watched as Sirius folded his hands and looked down on the wooden surface of the table. The fire blasting in the background was everything I heard for a few seconds, before the man cleared his mind and looked at me with a smile.

"No, they are at Malfoy Manor.", he then answered and sent a shiver down my spine. "And Lucius is back too. They got him out of Azkaban."


The simple image of my mother being in the same house as Voldemort and Maribel's murderer when she was the only one of them knowing that I was still alive, scared me to death. She was risking her life for my safety. It needed one careless moment for You-Know-Who to enter her mind to find out that she lied and that I was still out there. One moment which, and that's for sure, would cost her life.

"Try not to worry, Tiara. I don't know your mother good enough, but she's tough. And she knows what's on the line, so she will be careful.", Sirius assured me as he leaned back in the chair, carefully watching me putting down the fog.

"But he's there. Do you know what torture it is for her? For both of them? He killed Maribel.", I spat out. I couldn't speak out his name, it almost felt like cutting my tongue with a razor blade.

"No, I can't imagine that.", Sirius admitted. "And the simple idea of living under the same roof with my cousin in law if he killed Harry is - is unbearable. But I could get through it if that means I could keep my remaining child safe. And I imagine your mom to be as brave and bold to do this."

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now