#20 Dobby - A Free House Elf

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I landed roughly on the sandy floor. A hint of water crawled down my back as I lifted from my position, tingled my skin in a cold way as I tried my hardest to regain my breath. I didn't know where we were, where Dobby brought us to, but I couldn't focus on that. My mind was on the edge of imploding, overflow with the abundance of thought rushing through my like trains at King's Cross.

But mostly was I worried about Draco, who helped me escaping under the watch of his aunt and his parents. Who was now alone again in his own purgatory. And now, that they knew that I was out there and escaped on Harry's side with the blonde's help, anything could happen.

I sat up straight with the adrenaline, my body was covered in damp sand as I looked over the beach we ended up. I huffed in a sarcastic manor thinking back at Draco's letter which I let at Malfoy Manor with everything in my belonging except for my wand in the back pocket of my black jeans. Now I was here, on the beach, but without the blonde boy on my side and without the peaceful atmosphere I graved for.

I landed right next to Harry, who quickly got up to his feet and got rid of the strains of sand on his trousers. His gaze quickly stroked me.

"You're okay?", he asked as he saw the tears prickling in the corner of my eyes. His hand laid itself on my shoulder, his lopsided smile encouraging as I handed him Ron's and his own wand. Once I nodded, he dashed towards Hermione, who was being cradled by Ron, trying his hardest to conform her.

"Hermione, you're alright. You're safe, you hear me?", the dark-haired assured her, while I leaned back on the sand and closed my eyes with the pain of the impact rushing through my body. I had landed on my left thigh, so it hurt the most.

But a small voice pulled back all our attention from Hermione.

"Harry Potter.", Dobby squeaked. I turned my head at the weak and sad sound of it and could only quickly spread out my arms to catch the small figure as he collapsed right in front of me. His hands were clutching his stomach, his eyes wide in fear.

"Dobby?", Harry quickly appeared to my right and took the small creature out of my hands. I kept my hand intertwined with the limp one of Dobby, stroking its back to spend some comfort. Harry breathed heavy as he lifted the weight of his friend fully into his arms and removed Bellatrix's silver dagger from his stomach. My eyes welled up with the realization that this was the reason for Draco's troubled mind. For the panic in his eyes, because he was afraid Bellatrix would hit me with the dagger. She probably wanted to, since I saw the shiny thing directly aimed at me, but instead she stabbed the pure house elf.

"We'll fix you.", Harry nodded a little bit too enthusiastic to make me believe, that he himself was sure about that. "Tiara has something in her bag, right? Like you helped Ron?"

"I left everything at the Manor. But Harry, even if -"

"Hermione?", he interrupted my small voice and spun his head around to the girl, who didn't move. She stared at her friend in a crumbled position, her eyes sad.

There was nothing to do. Nothing, which could help my small friend, because his shirt started to soak through with blood since the stabbing wound was deep and bringing the death fast.

I closed my eyes, because I couldn't look into Harry's frantic expression. His attempt to look over the beach to search for a glimpse of help coming to rescue, when there was really nothing which could save him. The tears were faster coming up than my mind was realizing what was happening. They slipped over the edge as I desperately tried to hold myself together.

𝒯𝒽ℯ 𝒫𝓇ℴ𝓂𝒾𝓈ℯ𝒹 𝒪𝓃ℯ | 𝐝𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐨 𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐟𝐨𝐲 |Where stories live. Discover now