#14 Truth or Dare

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The Slytherin common room was bustling with a few fifth year student after the game and Pansy and Daphne handed us drinks as soon as I let El into the dungeons. They somehow managed to sneak in alcohol even though I thought that if Umbridge would just take one step through the entrance door, we would probably all get expelled. Or scars for the rest of our life.

But I would lie if I'd say that this was my biggest fear. The whole game I was caught up in my own thoughts, in the small panic which lol itself in me and stayed there.

During quidditch I had stationed myself next to Blaise and El while Harry and the others took the chance with all the teachers and Slytherins being on the pitch, to train in the room of requirement.

Maribel did an incredible good job. She managed to goal four scores for Slytherin and created a good amount of head start, including enough time for Draco to catch the Snitch after nearly an hour.

There's no need to say how proud I was.

El's face fell as soon as she realized that she had to sneak into the dungeons that night and she didn't meet my gaze when I cheered for my team as soon as the match was over. But that was actually for the best, because she would've seen right through me and my startled mind.

„I can't believe I'm here.", she breathed out and stationed herself on the couch next to me near the fireplace as soon as she entered. Her eyes were wandering over the common room, interested and impressed by the interior.

„I can't believe you actually came.", I said amused right as Maribel entered from the girl's tower. She changed herself in a pair of black skinny jeans and a transparent, tight long-sleeve shirt with a beautiful lace wash underneath. I stuck with the tiny back one in a soft satin fabric.

As soon as Maribel's eyes wandered over to El and me, her smile fell a bit. I warned her that I invited the Ravenclaw after our bet, so she could prepare herself since they didn't talk for long weeks. But before my sister could take a breath and walk over greeting her, she got pulled away by a giggling Pansy towards were Daphne and Theodore sat. The latter looked over and raised his cup almost unnoticeable in my direction.

„I assume you lost a bet?", Blaise leaned over the headboard behind us, sticking his head between ours and grinned as El rolled her eyes. „Otherwise I can't think about a reason why a raven would step a foot into the snake's dent."

„She did.", I grinned amused and took a sip from my cup. I didn't know what Pansy and Daphne smuggled in, but it tasted good. It smelled almost as sweet as honey in an intense way, tasted sour at the same time. Definitely different from anything I ever tasted.

„I think you shouldn't bet against Tiara.", Blaise chuckled and clapped my shoulder, before he let himself sink on the opposite couch. „Poor Pansy, another one standing up to her like you do."

I watched as the named and Daphne giggled to themselves, Maribel slapping the hand over her mouth probably because Theodore said something funny as he arranged a few new cups on one of the tables for everyone to take.

„Lupin what are you doing here?", Draco's voice immediately sent a shiver down my spine as he approached the couches and let himself fall next to Blaise with a cup in his hand out of which he immediately took a sip.

„Yeah, yeah, I shouldn't be here, I shouldn't bet against Tiara, I know, you can save your breath, Malfoy.", El rolled her eyes and took a sip herself.

Blaise chuckled and made a toast towards the blue-haired girl.

Once I diverted my gaze back on the opposite couch, I looked closely at him, taking in his appearance. Draco was dressed in plain trousers and a black, elegant shirt with the first two buttons open. The sleeves were rolled up a bit, the same way he had before the match.

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