#13 Quidditch Preparations

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"You're kidding, right?", Ron called out and got immediately slapped with a book by Hermione to shut him up.

"Keep your voice down, Ronald, or we can easily turn ourself in on Umbridge now.", she hissed and placed her book down again.

"Well, with all Slytherin fifth years being on our heals now, we most certainly can anyway.", he shook his head in disbelief, eyeing the pin on my rope, which already felt as if it drilled itself through the fabric right in my chest.

Maribel almost dragged me to Umbridge's office on the same evening. I couldn't be angry about it, because she hoped that she would help me with that. My sister believed that Umbridge would let her little war against me fall as soon as I'm bending, just like Draco did.

But I wasn't bending to my family's values. And I will - of course - not bend under someone, who was confiscating brooms, Weasley products, muggle books and wore pink all the time.

Although, by the surprised mimic of the woman as we knocked on her door before curfew, she actually could've swallowed the lie. Maybe this undercover thing to keep the Inquisitorial Squad on a wrong track would have the good side effect, that I really could just study for the O.W.Ls in peace. At least without new scars and bruises covering my hands.

As soon as I woke up that morning, I excused myself and searched for the Gryffindors to inform them about the latest.

"Ron, Hermione is right.", Harry whispered and leaned himself forward over his half eaten breakfast. "Having Tiara on the Squad and in front row is a good thing. She can tell us when and where they are patrolling and give us the chance to time the training."

"That's what I thought.", I shrugged and took a piece of bacon from Ron's plate to his disliking.

"Do you know whose patrolling the fourth floor?", Hermione asked and tried to appear busy with the Potion book she had open next to her on the table. She really was the cutest.

It was unusual seeing Hermione doing anything out of the rules. She always was the flagship student. But it felt like she was, except Harry, our biggest weapon. The brain behind the organisation.

"Yeah.", I looked at them. "It's Draco on Mondays and Thursdays in the afternoon."

"Oh crap.", Ron breathed out as he realized that this was exactly when the next DA meeting would take place.

"Save your tears Ronald.", I snickered. "Umbridge wanted to have two on the post and since Draco is the leader and I'm still the one on probation, she wanted me to join him. She believes that he would keep me in line, if I'm trying something."

"Well, he will.", Harry raised his eyebrows and stopped in his tracks. Of course, he was right that Draco was, other than me, really eager to get behind Harry's intentions.

"Yes, he will try to.", I raised my eyebrows. "But I will manage to keep him away."

"Let's hope your right, Fox.", the ginger shook his head in the slightest and dug back into his meal. Right as I lifted my head, I had to keep my grin under control as I watched El and Luna sneaking over, all dressed up in dark blue under their robes.

With the light-blue hair, the blue sweater under her Ravenclaw robes and the blue-silvery eyeshadow she laid on, my friend looked like a jellyslug or a blue flamingo. Or both.

"You know that the match is in the afternoon, right?", I snickered as the two reached the table we sat at. Harry turned around to grin at the girls, before he turned back to look at me challenging, exactly knowing what was coming next.

"Of course.", El shrugged and leaned herself forward. "Gives you the chance to prepare yourself for a downfall."

I smiled impressed by her confident. But when it came to quidditch, El was fire and flame for her house.

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